Why HDPE Pipes Are Perfect For Agricultural Applications

The Indian economy depends largely on agriculture for its growth. Spanning widespread areas, agriculture requires equipment that can perform under the harshest conditions without fail. One of the most important agricultural requirements is water piping solutions. This is where HDPE pipes and fittings come in.

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Why HDPE Pipes Are Perfect For Agricultural Applications

The Indian economy depends largely on agriculture for its growth. Spanning widespread areas, agriculture requires equipment that can perform under the harshest conditions without fail. One of the most important agricultural requirements is water piping solutions. This is where HDPE pipes and fittings come in.


HDPE Pipes

A flexible thermoplastic, HDPE pipes are made from high-density polyethylene that is highly resilient and durable. Used globally for agricultural applications, HDPE pipe fittings by APL Apollo have become recognized as one of the best quality solutions available today.

Here, we take a look at the top features of APL Apollo HDPE pipes and fittings that best suit agricultural applications.


Features Of APL Apollo HDPE Pipes

Leak-free Joints

HDPE pipe fittings use a heat fusion mechanism for joints thus preventing leaks and ensuring optimum water supply. They are flexible due to their inherent elasticity allowing for smoother movement without stressing the pipes which may lead to cracks. APL Apollo offers jointless HDPE pipes in long lengths of up to 100 meters, particularly for smaller-diameter pipes.


Agricultural applications put every piece of equipment to the test. From dealing with harsh weather conditions to rough surfaces, the conditions can be challenging, to say the least. Any form of malfunction here can set the process back by days and even weeks with severe consequences for the yield. APL Apollo HDPE pipes and fittings are strongly resistant to acids as well as alkalis and can be laid in marshy and corrosive soils without any coating or cathode-based protection. Further, they are highly resistant to abrasion and ensure continuous functioning for yield maximization.


Frequent repair or maintenance can be a tiresome and highly expensive affair especially since agricultural lands tend to be at great distances. This can also lead to delays in the working process. The HDPE pipes by APL Apollo possess high flexural and impact strength making them tough. They are maintenance-free and long-lasting with a lifecycle of 50 years.


Irrigation services require a constant supply of water and fertilizers that are often transported at high pressure through the pipes. Such constant pressure can stress the pipes and particularly the joints leading to racks and damage. HDPE pipes are capable of withstanding high internal and external loads by balancing internal fluid pressure with external soil pressure.


Rust was a major concern with traditional metal pipelines as it would lead to frequent decay and deterioration. APL Apollo HDPE pipes and fittings are corrosion-resistant allowing for better performance. Further, they are chemically inert making them resistant to chemicals. 



From no leaks to high efficiency and durability, HDPE pipes are the perfect choice for agricultural applications. Additionally, APL Apollo HDPE pipes are used in micro and sprinkler irrigation systems, water supply irrigation systems, sewage and drainage pumping, telecom pipes, gas pipes, and other industrial projects.


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