5F-ADB (moreover alluded to as 5F-MDMB-PINACA) is an indazole-fundamentally based absolutely counterfeit cannabinoid from the indazole-3-carboxamide family, which has been utilized as a vivacious component in fake ganja stock and has been offered online as a fashioner drug.

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5F-ADB (moreover alluded to as 5F-MDMB-PINACA) is an indazole-fundamentally based absolutely counterfeit cannabinoid from the indazole-3-carboxamide family, which has been utilized as a vivacious component in fake ganja stock and has been offered online as a fashioner drug.

— DOES 5F-ADB Show UP ON Medication TESTS? — Purchase 5F-ADB POWDER On the web - EUROPE

In 12 pee tests (n = 30), 5F-ADB became recognized on account of the figure drug. Three of the analyzed fundamental metabolites 5F-ADB carboxylic corrosive (M20), mono hydroxypentyl-5F-ADB (M17), and carboxypentyl ADB carboxylic corrosive have been forewarned as fitting urinary markers. 5F-ADB/Purchase 5fadb powder

— WHAT IS THE Substance 5F? — ACHETER 5F-ADB

5F-ADB is a fake cannabinoid receptor agonist (SCRA) with an amino alkylindazole shape utilized as a fiery component of product presented as maryjane substitutes. 5F-ADB has no perceived recuperating or clinical use. 5F-ADB/Purchase 5fadb powder


ADB-BINACA is a cannabinoid energizer drug that has been seen as a part in a couple of fake ganja items. It turned the start progressed through Pfizer as a capacity pain relieving and is an astonishing agonist of the CB1 receptor with a limiting liking (Ki) of third nM and an EC50 of 14.7 nM. 5F-ADB/Purchase 5fadb powder