Best Lung Cancer Treatment in Gurgaon

Lung cancer doctor in gurgaon: The lungs are paired cone-shaped organs situated in the thoracic cavity.

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Lung cancer doctor in gurgaon: The lungs are paired cone-shaped organs situated in the thoracic cavity. They are covered with the double-layered pleural membranes (membrane directly covering the lung is called visceral pleura and the external one is called parietal pleura) that secrete and enclose a lubricating fluid within the space between them (the pleural cavity). The right lung has 3 lobes and is slightly bigger than the left lung, that has 2 lobes. When air is inhaled, it travels from the nostrils into the lungs via trachea (windpipe) and its two branches called bronchi. Inside the lungs, bronchi further divide into small lobular bronchi and keep on dividing inside the lobes to form a network of microscopic branches called bronchioles. At the end of each bronchiole are small grape-like air-sacs called alveoli that act as a site of gases exchange during respiration. The main function of the lungs is to bring about this gases exchange, that is, intake of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide.

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