What is the Cost of Business Setup in Dubai

Most of entrepreneurs planning to penetrate into UAE market the question that comes up in their mind is the cost of business setup in Dubai. Learn more about the money you need to spend on your new business.

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What is the Cost of Business Setup in Dubai

The cost of business setup in Dubai can vary greatly depending on the type of business you’re planning to launch. In this article, we will explore the various costs involved in setting up a new business along with some tips on how to cut down expenses during this process.


Rental costs vary depending on the location and size of your office. In general, rental expenses are often the largest expense for start-ups in Dubai. It's important to negotiate a fair price with your landlord so you can avoid paying more than necessary. In addition, many landlords require tenants to sign a fixed monthly rental agreement that lasts anywhere from one year to five years. Rental cost can range from AED 30, 000 to AED 50, 000 per annum depending on the size and location of the building.

Labour and services

In addition to the cost of renting a space, you will also need to hire an accountant and more depending on your business nature. It is important for you to understand that hiring these professionals does not come cheap as they are highly qualified people who charge according to their experience and expertise.

The cost of hiring an employee includes job advertising charges plus visa. The process of labour may cost you between AED 4, 000 to AED 6, 500 per employee.

Office supplies and equipment

Office supplies and equipment can be expensive, so you need to consider the cost of office supplies and equipment when starting a business in Dubai regardless of your business location. If you're just getting started, it's best to buy used items or use your own. Here are some examples of office supplies and equipment that you may need:

  • Computer with printer
  • Fax machine (if applicable)


Software is an important part of any business, but it can also be one of the most confusing investments to make. There are thousands of different software options out there, and each one offers a unique set of features and capabilities that may or may not be right for your company.

Before you start shopping around for new software packages, it's important to know what type of software will work best for your business. Some companies prefer cloud-based solutions because they're easier to access from anywhere with internet access--but others might want something more in-house so they have complete control over their data security. When choosing between these two options (or any other), ask yourself: How much storage space do I need? Can I afford monthly fees? Is it compatible with other programs already being used at my company?

Once those questions have been answered, it's time to start comparing prices! The cost varies depending on what kind of package is being purchased; however, this guide has included several examples below so readers can get started narrowing down their choices before making any final decisions about which one will work best within their budget constraints."


In addition to the cost of setting up your business, you should also consider insurance. Insurance is a necessary part of doing business in Dubai and the UAE. It's not just for your company, but also for yourself and your employees. The cost of insurance can be very expensive in Dubai, so it's important that you get all of the right coverage before opening up shop here.

For example: If someone gets hurt on the job or has an accident at work, there are certain types of medical expenses that will be covered by workers' compensation insurance (as long as they meet certain criteria). You might also want general liability coverage so that if someone sues or makes accusations against you--for example if they slip on ice outside your office building--you won't have to pay out-of-pocket costs associated with defending yourself against those claims/lawsuits.*

The cost of business setup in Dubai varies greatly.

The cost of business setup varies greatly, depending on many factors. These include the type of business you plan to start and its location; whether or not you're opening an office in Dubai; what kind of equipment and software you need for your company; how many employees will be working for you and where they will be located (Dubai or elsewhere).

The best way to work out how much it will cost is by preparing a budget beforehand. This should include:

  • Rentals - Calculate what your monthly rent will be based on square footage and other specifications such as parking spaces or internet access. If possible, try not to pay more than 50% of your monthly income on rent payments because this could affect other important business expenses like salaries or marketing costs later down the line!
  • Labour & Services - Staff salaries can vary widely depending on their position within an organization but generally speaking they tend towards higher numbers than those found in Europe due largely due lack availability skilled labour willing take lower wages than those offered elsewhere.

The main cost of business setup in Dubai especially on business license is from AED 5, 000 to AED 30, 000 depending your business activity and jurisdiction such as Mainland or Freezone.

Final Thoughts

The cost of business setup will vary greatly, depending on the type and size of your business. We hope that this article has given you an idea of what to expect during your company registration in Dubai and what key expenses you need to expect.