Vestibular Physiotherapy Edmonton | Next Step Physiotherapy

Vestibular Physiotherapy Edmonton | Next Step Physiotherapy

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Vestibular Physiotherapy Edmonton | Next Step Physiotherapy

The world spins, you stumble. Dizziness, vertigo, and balance problems can be incredibly disorienting and disrupt your daily activities. But what if there was a form of physiotherapy specifically designed to address these issues? Look no further than Vestibular physiotherapy in Edmonton offered at Next Step Physiotherapy.


Understanding Your Inner Ear: The Role of the Vestibular System


Balance and our sense of spatial orientation are largely controlled by the vestibular system, located in the inner ear. This intricate network of canals and fluid-filled sacs detects head movements and sends signals to the brain, allowing us to maintain balance and stability.


When the System Goes Awry: Vestibular Dysfunction


Various factors can disrupt the vestibular system, vestibular dysfunction. Some common causes include:


Inner ear infections: Labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis are inner ear infections that can inflame the vestibular system.


Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): Tiny calcium crystals become dislodged within the inner ear canals, causing brief episodes of vertigo, especially with head movement.


Migraines: Certain migraines can trigger vestibular symptoms like dizziness and vertigo.


Head injuries: Injuries to the head can damage the vestibular system.


Meniere's disease: This inner ear disorder causes episodes of vertigo, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and hearing loss.


Symptoms of Vestibular Dysfunction


If you experience any of the following, you may have vestibular dysfunction:


Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded, faint, or unsteady.


Balance problems: Difficulty maintaining balance or a sensation of feeling off-balance.


Motion sickness: Increased sensitivity to motion in cars, boats, or on planes.


Visual problems: Difficulty focusing your eyes, blurry vision, or gaze instability (eyes jump around).


Nausea and vomiting: Often associated with vertigo and dizziness.


How Vestibular Physiotherapy Can Help


Vestibular physiotherapy at Next Step Physiotherapy Edmonton is an evidence-based approach to managing the symptoms of vestibular dysfunction. Our experienced physiotherapists will develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs, potentially including:


Detailed assessment: We'll assess your symptoms, medical history, and perform tests to pinpoint the root cause of your vestibular dysfunction.


Education: You'll learn about your vestibular system, the cause of your problems, and how 

physiotherapy can help.


Canalith repositioning maneuvers (CRMs): Specific head movements used to dislodge calcium crystals causing BPPV.


Gaze stabilization exercises: Exercises designed to improve the coordination between your eyes and inner ear, enhancing visual stability.


Balance training: Exercises to improve your balance and proprioception (body awareness) on various surfaces.


Habituation exercises: These exercises gradually expose you to movements that trigger your symptoms in a controlled setting, helping your brain adapt and reduce dizziness.


Next Step Physiotherapy Edmonton: 


Vestibular dysfunction can be a challenging condition, but you don't have to navigate it alone. At Next Step Physiotherapy Edmonton, our team of vestibular rehabilitation specialists is dedicated to helping you regain your balance and get back to living a fulfilling life. We offer a compassionate and supportive environment where you can openly discuss your symptoms and receive personalized treatment.


Contact Next Step Physiotherapy Edmonton today!  We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your vestibular concerns and determine if vestibular physiotherapy is right for you. Take the first step towards a life free from dizziness and regain control of your balance.

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