Surrogacy Cost in Kolkata: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the detailed breakdown of surrogacy costs in Kolkata, including medical expenses, legal fees, and surrogate compensation. Discover why Fertility Centre Siliguri is the best choice for your surrogacy journey. Contact us at 8368357006 for more information.

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Surrogacy Cost in Kolkata: A Comprehensive Guide

Surrogacy is an increasingly popular option for couples facing infertility issues. If you're considering surrogacy in Kolkata, understanding the associated costs is crucial. At Fertility Centre Siliguri, we strive to provide comprehensive and transparent information to help you make informed decisions. In this article, we'll delve into the surrogacy cost in Kolkata, the factors influencing these costs, and why choosing Fertility Centre Siliguri can be the best decision for you.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Kolkata?

The cost of surrogacy in Kolkata typically ranges from INR 15 lakh to INR 20 lakh. This cost includes various components, such as:

  1. Medical Expenses: These cover all medical procedures involved in the surrogacy process, including IVF, embryo transfer, and prenatal care.
  2. Legal Fees: Surrogacy involves legal agreements to protect the rights of all parties involved. Legal fees ensure all necessary documentation and procedures are handled correctly.
  3. Surrogate Compensation: This includes the payment to the surrogate mother for her service, which covers her time, effort, and any potential risks involved in carrying the pregnancy.
  4. Agency Fees: If you use a surrogacy agency, their fees for coordinating the process and providing support will be included.
  5. Miscellaneous Costs: These can include travel, accommodation, and other incidental expenses related to the surrogacy process.

Why Surrogacy is Recommended at Our Centre?

At Fertility Centre Siliguri, we recommend surrogacy for couples who have exhausted other fertility treatment options without success. Surrogacy provides a viable solution for couples facing various fertility challenges, including:

  • Uterine abnormalities or absence of the uterus
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Severe medical conditions that make pregnancy risky
  • Same-sex couples or single individuals wishing to become parents

What is Third-Party Reproduction Treatment?

Third-party reproduction treatment involves using an egg donor, sperm donor, or a surrogate mother to help individuals or couples conceive a child. This form of treatment is beneficial for those who cannot use their own gametes or carry a pregnancy to term.

How Surrogacy is Performed?

The surrogacy process involves several key steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: Discuss your medical history, undergo tests, and receive personalized advice on the surrogacy process.
  2. Legal Agreements: Draft and sign legal contracts between the intended parents and the surrogate.
  3. Medical Procedures: The IVF process begins, which includes egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer to the surrogate mother.
  4. Pregnancy Monitoring: Regular check-ups and prenatal care for the surrogate mother to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
  5. Delivery and Handover: The surrogate mother gives birth, and the baby is handed over to the intended parents.

Who Needs Surrogacy Treatment?

Surrogacy is suitable for:

  • Women with medical conditions preventing pregnancy
  • Women who have had multiple miscarriages or failed IVF attempts
  • Same-sex male couples
  • Single men wanting to have a child

What is the Surrogacy Law in Kolkata?

Surrogacy in India is regulated by strict laws to ensure the rights and well-being of all parties involved. The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2020, outlines the legal framework for altruistic surrogacy, prohibiting commercial surrogacy and ensuring the surrogate mother's protection and rights.

Guaranteed Surrogacy Cost in Kolkata

At Fertility Centre Siliguri, we offer guaranteed surrogacy packages to provide financial clarity and peace of mind. These packages cover all aspects of the surrogacy process, ensuring no hidden costs.

Surrogate Mother Cost in Kolkata

Compensation for surrogate mothers in Kolkata is a significant part of the surrogacy cost. This compensation ensures the surrogate mother is adequately supported throughout the pregnancy.

The Success Rate of Surrogacy in Kolkata

The success rate of surrogacy depends on various factors, including the age and health of the egg donor and surrogate mother. At Fertility Centre Siliguri, we have a high success rate due to our advanced medical technology and experienced team.

Why Consider Fertility Centre Siliguri (The Best Surrogacy Centre in Kolkata)?

Choosing Fertility Centre Siliguri for your surrogacy journey ensures:

  • High success rates
  • Experienced and compassionate medical team
  • Comprehensive support throughout the process
  • Transparent pricing with no hidden costs


Surrogacy offers a ray of hope for many aspiring parents. Understanding the costs and processes involved is crucial for making an informed decision. At Fertility Centre Siliguri, we are committed to providing the best surrogacy services in Kolkata, ensuring a smooth and successful journey to parenthood.

For more information or to start your surrogacy journey, contact us at 8368357006. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.