Surrogacy Cost in Chandigarh

Explore the cost of surrogacy in Chandigarh, India. From medical procedures and legal expenses to agency fees and additional considerations, discover the factors influencing the overall expenses. Plan your surrogacy journey with confidence, knowing the approximate costs involved in Chandigarh.

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Surrogacy has emerged as a viable option for couples facing infertility or medical conditions that prevent them from carrying a pregnancy. Chandigarh, known for its advanced medical facilities and reputable fertility clinics, has become a prominent destination for surrogacy in India. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of surrogacy cost in Chandigarh, providing a comprehensive overview of the expenses involved and factors influencing the overall expenditure.

Factors Affecting Surrogacy Cost: Several factors contribute to the cost of surrogacy in Chandigarh. These factors include:

  1. Medical Procedures and Tests: The surrogacy process often involves various medical procedures and tests. These may include fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI), which are aimed at creating embryos for transfer to the surrogate’s uterus. The costs associated with these medical interventions, including medications, ultrasounds, and laboratory tests, can influence the overall surrogacy cost.

2. Surrogate Compensation: Surrogates play a crucial role in the surrogacy journey and are compensated for their time, effort, and commitment. Surrogate compensation covers medical expenses related to the pregnancy, maternity clothing, transportation costs, and other miscellaneous expenses incurred during the process. The amount of compensation varies and depends on various factors, such as the surrogate’s experience and the specific contractual agreement.

3. Legal Expenses: Surrogacy involves legal complexities, including drafting and reviewing contracts, court procedures, and establishing parental rights. Legal fees are an essential part of the surrogacy cost and can vary based on the complexity of the case and the legal requirements of the jurisdiction.

4. Agency or Clinic Fees: Many intended parents choose to work with surrogacy agencies or fertility clinics that provide comprehensive support throughout the surrogacy process. These entities charge fees for their services, including matching intended parents with surrogates, medical support, counseling, and overall coordination. The agency or clinic fees contribute to the overall surrogacy cost.

5. Gestational Carrier’s Insurance: It is important to ensure that the surrogate has appropriate insurance coverage during the pregnancy and delivery. Intended parents typically bear the responsibility of obtaining insurance for the surrogate. Insurance costs vary depending on the policies and coverage options chosen.


Surrogacy offers hope and the possibility of parenthood for couples facing reproductive challenges. The cost of surrogacy in Chandigarh varies depending on various factors, including medical procedures, surrogate compensation, legal expenses, agency or clinic fees, and insurance coverage. It is advisable for intended parents to consult with reputable fertility clinics like those in Chandigarh, which can provide detailed information and guidance on the surrogacy cost and help plan a well-managed journey. While surrogacy costs can be significant, the joy and fulfillment it brings to intended parents often outweigh the financial investment involved.