Surrogacy Cost in Bangalore

Surrogacy Cost in Bangalore

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Surrogacy is a complex and emotionally charged process that can bring immense joy to intended parents who are unable to conceive a child on their own. In recent years, Bangalore has emerged as a popular destination for surrogacy due to its world-class medical facilities, skilled professionals, and relatively affordable costs compared to Western countries. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of surrogacy cost in Bangalore, including the factors that influence the cost, the average cost of surrogacy in Bangalore, and what prospective parents can expect when considering surrogacy in this vibrant city.

Understanding Surrogacy

Before delving into the cost of surrogacy in Bangalore, it’s essential to understand what surrogacy entails. Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction where a woman carries a pregnancy for another individual or couple, often referred to as the intended parents. There are two primary types of surrogacy: traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy.

In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother is genetically related to the child she carries, as she is inseminated with the intended father’s sperm or donor sperm. This type of surrogacy is less common today due to legal and emotional complexities.

Gestational surrogacy, on the other hand, is the most common form of surrogacy today. In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother carries a child conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF), using the egg and sperm of the intended parents or donors. The surrogate is not genetically related to the child she carries, making the legal and emotional aspects of the process more straightforward.

Factors Affecting Surrogacy Cost in Bangalore

The cost of surrogacy in Bangalore can vary widely depending on several factors. Some of the key factors that influence the cost of surrogacy in Bangalore include:

  1. Medical Expenses: This includes the cost of fertility treatments, such as IVF, as well as prenatal care, delivery, and any medical complications that may arise during the pregnancy.
  2. Legal Expenses: Surrogacy involves complex legal issues, including contracts between the intended parents and the surrogate, as well as parental rights and adoption procedures. Legal expenses can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the legal requirements in Bangalore.
  3. Surrogate Compensation: Surrogates in Bangalore are typically compensated for their time, effort, and the risks involved in carrying a child for another individual or couple. The amount of compensation can vary depending on the surrogate’s experience, the number of pregnancies she has had, and the local cost of living.
  4. Agency Fees: Some intended parents choose to work with surrogacy agencies, which can help facilitate the surrogacy process. These agencies charge fees for their services, which can vary depending on the services provided.
  5. Travel and Accommodation: Intended parents who travel to Bangalore for surrogacy will incur additional costs for travel, accommodation, and other related expenses.
  6. Miscellaneous Expenses: This includes any other expenses that may arise during the surrogacy process, such as counseling for the intended parents and the surrogate, insurance, and other unforeseen costs.

Average Cost of Surrogacy in Bangalore

The average cost of surrogacy in Bangalore can vary widely depending on the above factors. However, as a general guideline, the total cost of surrogacy in Bangalore can range from $20,000 to $40,000, including all medical, legal, and agency fees. This is significantly lower than the cost of surrogacy in Western countries, making Bangalore an attractive destination for intended parents seeking affordable surrogacy options.


Surrogacy can be a rewarding way for intended parents to fulfill their dreams of having a child. However, it is essential to carefully consider the costs and other factors involved before embarking on the surrogacy journey. By understanding the various aspects of surrogacy cost in Bangalore, intended parents can make informed decisions and ensure a smooth and successful surrogacy experience.