Spring Fling? Don't Forget Your Deck and Roof!

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Spring's here, and with it comes the urge to bask in the sun and enjoy your outdoor space. But before you dust off the furniture and fire up the grill, prepare your deck and roof for the changing seasons. These two partners in crime work together to protect your home and create a comfortable outdoor haven, so neglecting them could lead to costly surprises later.

Prepare your deck and roof for Spring

Leaks Above, Damage Below: 

While seemingly separate, your deck and roof work together. A leaky roof can cause significant water damage to your deck's underlying structure, leading to costly repairs. Schedule a professional roof inspection to identify and address any potential leaks before spring showers arrive.

Fiberglass Decks: Beauty Needs Maintenance: 

Fiberglass decks offer a unique aesthetic, but they require proper care. Regularly inspect for cracks or wear. Minor cracks can be addressed with readily available repair kits, but for more extensive damage, consult a professional familiar with fiberglass deck repair.

Rooftop Dreams: Plan and Build Wisely: 

Yearning for a rooftop oasis? Building a rooftop deck requires careful planning and expertise. Ensure your roof can support the weight and adhere to local regulations. Consult a qualified contractor experienced in rooftop deck construction for a safe and code-compliant project.

Ground-Level Retreat: Spring Fixes: 

Spring is the perfect time to address minor deck issues like loose boards, wobbly railings, and faded stain. For minor repairs, tackle them yourself using available materials. But for complex repairs or renovations, consider hiring a professional deck repair contractor.

Investing in Your Outdoor Oasis: 

Proactive maintenance on your deck and roof in spring ensures they're ready for the changing seasons and offer you a safe and enjoyable outdoor space throughout summer. Early detection and prompt repairs save you money and prevent bigger problems.

Enjoy the sunshine and create lasting memories on your well-maintained deck, knowing your roof has your back. Happy Spring!

If you're looking for a trusted and experienced contractor in the Ardmore area to help you with your deck or roof needs, consider Hynes Construction. They offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Deck repair and maintenance

  • Fiberglass deck restoration

  • Roof inspections and repairs

  • Rooftop deck construction

Contact Hynes Construction at - 6103645926 today for a free consultation and let them help you create your dream outdoor space!