Sanguinem Pressura Reviews: Insider's Report [#2 Is Crucial]

Discover Sanguinem Pressura, a natural blood pressure support supplement. Learn about its ingredients, benefits, and how it works to promote cardiovascular health.

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Sanguinem Pressura Reviews: Insider's Report [#2 Is Crucial]

Sanguinem Pressura is a blood pressure support supplement available exclusively online. Featuring a blend of plant extracts, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and green tea extract, Sanguinem Pressura uses natural ingredients to promote cardiovascular health. Find out if Sanguinem Pressura lives up to the hype today in our review. >> Official Website: Visit Now

Sanguinem Pressura  Reviews

What is Sanguinem Pressura?

Sanguinem Pressura is a nutritional supplement built to support healthy blood pressure. By taking two capsules of Sanguinem Pressura daily, you can purportedly promote cardiovascular health. Each capsule of Sanguinem Pressura contains a blend of vitamin C, vitamin B12, hawthorn, garlic extract, green tea leaf, and other natural ingredients.

Sanguinem Pressura is exclusively sold online through, where it’s priced at $69 per bottle.

The manufacturer of Sanguinem Pressura describes the supplement as an “antique formula to lower blood pressure.” That manufacturer does business under the name Antique Formula, specializing in turning ancient remedies into modern nutritional supplements.

Many of the ingredients in Sanguinem Pressura trace their roots to ancient times, where they were used in traditional medicine for heart health. Today, Sanguinem Pressura is manufactured in the United States in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility.

Sanguinem Pressura Benefits

According to the official Sanguinem Pressura website, the supplement can lower blood pressure significantly – and it was proven to work in a trial involving 1,000 men and women.

  • Promote healthy blood pressure and circulation
  • Lowered systolic blood pressure by an average of 23 points, according to a trial on 1,000 patients
  • Lowered diastolic blood pressure by an average of 15 points, according to that same trial
  • Science-backed blend of vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, and other natural ingredients
  • Doctor-approved formula created in partnership with Dr. George Laurier
  • Backed by a 90-day money-back guarantee

How Does Sanguinem Pressura Work?

Sanguinem Pressura works using a blend of natural ingredients – including plant extracts, herbs, and nutrients – to support healthy blood pressure. Just take two capsules of Sanguinem Pressura daily to let the ingredients go to work. These ingredients work in different ways to support healthy blood pressure.

Some of the ingredients in Sanguinem Pressura work by supporting healthy inflammation, making it easier for your body to pump blood. Other ingredients work by widening your blood vessels, reducing the strain on your heart.

All of the ingredients in Sanguinem Pressura have one thing in common: they trace their roots to ancient times. In fact, the makers of Sanguinem Pressura claim to have developed the formula based on ancient manuscripts. Jim, who developed the formula in partnership with a doctor friend, claims to have referenced ancient texts on blood pressure to create the natural remedy.

blood pressure supplement

Who Created Sanguinem Pressura?

Sanguinem Pressura was created by a man named Jim, who watched his wife Marie struggle with hypertension, or high blood pressure.

One day, Jim looked outside in his backyard to find Marie collapsed on the ground after playing with their grandkids.

Following the event, doctors told Marie to take blood pressure medication. The medication didn’t help – Marie’s blood pressure continued to be high, and she hated the side effects of the prescription medication.

Jim started to research natural remedies for high blood pressure. His research led him to discover the natural ingredients behind Sanguinem Pressura.

Jim decided to call his supplement Sanguinem Pressura, which loosely translates to “blood pressure” or “bleeding pressure” in Latin.

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Sanguinem Pressura is Based on an Ancient Remedy

Jim discovered Sanguinem Pressura after consulting ancient manuscripts. He claims his father collected hundreds of ancient texts and tomes in his library.

Jim’s father strongly believed Mother Nature had the answer for every health problem. He passed that belief down to his children.

After Marie struggled with her blood pressure, Jim consulted his father’s library of ancient texts looking for a secret remedy. After hours of work, he found a text specifically discussing blood pressure.

“A formula created in Europe in the 17th century, to obtain a natural remedy against high blood pressure, in my father’s handwriting, together with detailed information about each ingredient, dosage, together with additional health benefits it provides.”

Jim was shocked and skeptical. However, he believed he had found the secret cure to high blood pressure. He started to test the ingredients and analyze research on those ingredients – and he was impressed with what he found.

To verify his research, Jim worked with a doctor friend. The pair reviewed the individual ingredients, then ultimately tested the formula on a group of 1,000 people to verify it worked. Today, anyone can buy the supplement online to enjoy the ancient remedy in modern times.

cardiovascular health Bonuses

Sanguinem Pressura Ingredients

Sanguinem Pressura contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, herbs, plant extracts, and other natural ingredients to support healthy blood pressure.

Most of the formula is found within a 620mg proprietary blend. Each capsule contains 620mg of a proprietary formula along with additional doses of five vitamins and minerals.

Here are all of the active ingredients in Sanguinem Pressura and how they work:

  • Hawthorn: The largest ingredient in Sanguinem Pressura is hawthorn leaf and flower extract. Used for centuries in traditional medicine, hawthorn is backed by modern scientific research connecting it to blood pressure, inflammation, energy, and general health and wellness. Some take hawthorn daily for heart health. In fact, the cardiovascular effects are the best-known benefits of hawthorn. Hawthorn is the first listed ingredient in the Sanguinem Pressura proprietary blend, which means there’s more hawthorn than any other active ingredient in Sanguinem Pressura. Jim, the creator of Sanguinem Pressura, claims hawthorn leaf “helps protect against heart disease and control high blood pressure and high cholesterol,” citing both animal and human studies. Those studies show hawthorn strengthens the heart, improves circulation, and supports cardiovascular function.
  • Garlic Bulb Extract: Garlic is known for its cardioprotective effects. Some eat garlic daily – or take garlic supplements – to promote healthy blood pressure. Garlic is rich with a natural molecule called allicin that appears to have cardiovascular benefits. By taking garlic bulb extract daily, you could allow ingredients like allicin to go to work throughout your body, making it easier for blood to flow.
  • Olive Leaf Extract: Olive leaf extract comes from the same plant as olive oil, and the two contain many similar ingredients. Olive leaf extract has an active ingredient called oleuropein linked to powerful health effects. By taking the olive leaf extract in Sanguinem Pressura daily, you can support blood flow and overall cardiovascular health.
  • Buchu Leaf: Buchu leaf was traditionally used to help with kidney issues and heart health. Today, studies show it can support overall health in multiple ways. According to a 2011 study, buchu is one of several natural herbs involved in the treatment of hypertension. That study found Agathosma betulina (commonly known as buchu) had a long history of use in traditional South African medicine as a diuretic and inflammatory agent. Some even took it as part of a brandy tincture.
  • Uva Ursi Leaf: Uva ursi “helps reduce inflammation and fight infection,” according to Jim, the creator of Sanguinem Pressura. As Mount Sinai explains, uva ursi is best-known for its effects on urinary tract infections. It’s a low-growing shrub found in North America and Europe, and it’s been used for centuries as a natural remedy for UTIs, kidney stones, and other inflammatory issues in the urinary tract.
  • Juniper Berry: Juniper berry, like buchu, was traditionally used to help with kidney health. Today, studies show juniper berry is linked to cardiovascular benefits, stress response, and overall health and wellness. Many people take juniper berry for digestive health and antioxidant effects.
  • Green Tea Leaf: Green tea leaf is one of nature’s best-known weight loss ingredients. Studies show green tea works because it’s rich with antioxidants like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is linked to powerful fat-burning effects. According to Jim, green tea “increases fat burning and improves physical performance,” making it easy to lose weight and support overall cardiovascular health. Weight loss can help support cardiovascular health. Green tea’s antioxidant molecules can also support healthy inflammation and detoxification, making it easier for your heart to do its job.
  • Vitamin C: Sanguinem Pressura contains vitamin C, one of nature’s best antioxidants. Found in most fruits and vegetables, vitamin C is linked to a range of effects. Some people take vitamin C daily for immunity. Others take vitamin C to support blood pressure. Jim claims vitamin C “prevents high blood pressure,” citing one study where vitamin C significantly reduced blood pressure in people with moderately elevated blood pressure levels.
  • Vitamin B6: Sanguinem Pressura contains vitamin B6, which could support cardiovascular health in various ways. Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is linked to nervous system function, energy, and cardiovascular health. One 2021 study found vitamin B6 deficiency is a “possible secondary factor in the etiology of hypertension,” which means taking a vitamin B6 supplement could help if you have high blood pressure.
  • Folate: Folate is one of several B vitamins in Sanguinem Pressura. Studies show folate plays a critical role in cardiovascular health. Many people take a multivitamin daily for its folate content. According to the Cleveland Clinic, folate helps break down homocysteine, a dangerous chemical linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. By breaking down that chemical, folate could help lower your blood pressure.
  • Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is one of nature’s best-known energy boosters. Found in every multivitamin sold today, vitamin B12 can support cellular energy and make it easier to maintain an active lifestyle. It also works with other B vitamins – like folate – to support cardiovascular health. Taking vitamin B12 can reduce homocysteine levels, which could help lower blood pressure. The makers of Sanguinem Pressura describe vitamin B12 as a vitamin that “prevents anemia and keeps your blood cells healthy.”

Scientific Evidence for Sanguinem Pressura

The makers of Sanguinem Pressura claim to have tested the supplement on 1,000 men and women, observing significant reductions in blood pressure after patients used the supplement.

That trial showed Sanguinem Pressura lowered systolic blood pressure by 23 points and diastolic blood pressure by 15 points, according to the official website. The company also describes their formula as “doctor-approved,” claiming it was created in partnership with Dr. George Laurier.

Sanguinem Pressura Pricing

Sanguinem Pressura costs $69 per bottle, although the price drops to $59 or $49 per bottle when ordering multiple units. Here’s how pricing works:

Sanguinem Pressura Order

  • 1 Bottle: $69
  • 3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per Bottle)
  • 6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle)

Click here to buy Sanguinem Pressura from Official Website at Discounted Rate + Get FREE Shipping 

Sanguinem Pressura Refund Policy

Sanguinem Pressura is backed by a 90-day money-back guarantee. If you’re unhappy with Sanguinem Pressura and how it worked, or if you did not experience any benefits from the supplement, then you are entitled to a complete refund within 90 days of your original purchase date.

About Sanguinem Pressura

Sanguinem Pressura was created by a man named Jim in partnership with a medical doctor. Jim’s wife struggled with high blood pressure, so Jim started to research natural ways to lower blood pressure. That research led him to ancient remedies.

Jim and his medical doctor friend created Sanguinem Pressura based on those ancient remedies. Today, anyone can buy the supplement online.


Sanguinem Pressura is a blood pressure support supplement designed to promote cardiovascular health using natural ingredients.

By taking Sanguinem Pressura daily, you can purportedly support healthy blood pressure using hawthorn, garlic, green tea extract, and other natural ingredients.

To learn more about Sanguinem Pressura or to buy the supplement today, visit the official website at

TAGS: #SanguinemPressura #bloodpressuresupplement #cardiovascularhealth #hypertension