Reclaim Your Range of Motion: Motor Vehicle Accident Physiotherapy For Injuries

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Reclaim Your Range of Motion: Motor Vehicle Accident Physiotherapy For Injuries

Motor vehicle accidents can lead to a wide range of injuries, from whiplash to more severe conditions like fractures and internal injuries. We specialize in providing comprehensive care for those recovering from motor vehicle accidents. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you regain your health and mobility through personalized physiotherapy treatments.


One of the most common injuries from motor vehicle accidents is whiplash, which occurs when the neck is suddenly jolted backward and forward. This can cause significant pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. At Motor Vehicle Accident Physiotherapy In Edmonton, we utilize a combination of manual therapy, targeted exercises, and modalities like heat and ice to reduce pain and inflammation, improve mobility, and speed up recovery.

Back and Spinal Injuries

Back and spinal injuries are also prevalent in motor vehicle accidents. These can range from minor strains to severe spinal cord injuries. Our physiotherapists use a variety of techniques, including spinal mobilization, core strengthening exercises, and postural education, to manage pain and improve function. We work closely with you to create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries, such as sprains, strains, and contusions, are another common result of car accidents. These injuries can cause significant discomfort and limit your ability to perform daily activities. Our treatment approach includes soft tissue massage, stretching, strengthening exercises, and the use of therapeutic modalities to promote healing and restore function.

Fractures and Dislocations

Fractures and dislocations require specialized care to ensure proper healing and prevent long-term complications. Our team is skilled in post-fracture and post-dislocation rehabilitation, providing exercises to maintain joint mobility, reduce stiffness, and strengthen the surrounding muscles. We also offer education on safe movements and activities to prevent re-injury.

Shoulder and Collarbone Injuries

Shoulder and collarbone injuries can result from the impact of a motor vehicle accident. These injuries often require a combination of rest, immobilization, and gradual rehabilitation. Our physiotherapists will guide you through a structured rehabilitation program that includes range-of-motion exercises, strengthening, and functional training to restore full shoulder function.

Knee and Leg Injuries

Injuries to the knee and leg, such as ligament tears, fractures, and muscle strains, are common in car accidents. We focus on reducing pain and swelling, restoring range of motion, and rebuilding strength. Our personalized exercise programs and hands-on therapy techniques are designed to help you return to your normal activities as quickly as possible.

Chest and Rib Injuries

Chest and rib injuries can be particularly painful and may impact your breathing and mobility. Our physiotherapy treatments for these injuries include breathing exercises, gentle mobilizations, and pain management strategies to ensure a full and speedy recovery.

Abdominal and Internal Injuries

While less common, abdominal and internal injuries require careful monitoring and specialized care. Our physiotherapists are trained to identify and manage these injuries, working closely with your medical team to provide a safe and effective rehabilitation plan.

Psychological and Emotional Trauma

Motor vehicle accidents can also lead to psychological and emotional trauma, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We understand the importance of addressing these issues as part of your overall recovery. Our team provides a supportive environment and can refer you to appropriate mental health professionals if needed.

Why Choose In Step Physiotherapy Edmonton?

We are committed to providing the highest standard of care for motor vehicle accident injuries. Our experienced physiotherapists use evidence-based practices to develop individualized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. We aim to help you recover fully and regain your quality of life.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a motor vehicle accident, contact

today to schedule an appointment. Let us help you on your journey to recovery.

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