shyam hindhu

shyam hindhu

Last seen: 8 months ago

Member since May 23, 2023

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India Business

Is 11th Gen i7 better than 11th Gen i5?

When comparing processors like the 11th Gen Intel Core i7 and i5, it's essential to consider various factors to determine which one...

India Business

How much does a laser print cost?

The cost of laser printers and handheld inkjet printers in India can vary widely depending on various factors such as brand, model,...

India Business

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance...

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the price ranged from approximately ₹30,000 to ₹40,000 in the Indian market. However,...

India Business

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance...

The i7 11th generation processor, developed by Intel, has gained significant attention in the tech market. Known for its exceptional...

India Business

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance...

Look no further! With the ever-increasing demand for high-performance gaming, finding an affordable graphics card can be quite challenging....

India Business

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance...

Look no further! With the ever-increasing demand for high-performance gaming, finding an affordable graphics card can be quite challenging....

India Business

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance...

Look no further! With the ever-increasing demand for high-performance gaming, finding an affordable graphics card can be quite challenging....

India Business

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance...

Look no further! With the ever-increasing demand for high-performance gaming, finding an affordable graphics card can be quite challenging....

India Business

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance...

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance in India

India Business

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance...

Budget-Friendly 4GB Graphic Cards: Unleash Gaming Performance in India