Sara Khan

Sara Khan

Last seen: 5 months ago

Member since Nov 19, 2023

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India Business

What is security guarding services

Security guarding services involve the provision of trained and professional industrial security guard services personnel to safeguard...

India Business

Who is an industrial security guard

An industrial security guard is a trained professional responsible for ensuring the safety and security of industrial facilities,...

India Business

How can you prevent ATM robbery

How can you prevent ATM robbery Preventing ATM robberies involves a combination of security measures, user awareness, and the deployment...

India Business

Do ATM machines have alarms

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are equipped with various security features, and alarms are an integral part of their security systems....

India Business

What are the roles of industrial security

What are the roles of industrial security Roles of Industrial Security: Industrial security plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the...

India Business

What is the highest salary in security

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have specific and up-to-date information on the highest salary in the security...

India Business

Who is an industrial security guard

An industrial security guard is a trained professional responsible for safeguarding industrial facilities, manufacturing plants, and...

India Business

What are the services of security industry

The security industry plays a crucial role in safeguarding individuals, properties, and assets from potential threats. Among the various...

India Business

What is the salary of armed guard in India

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the salary of an armed guard in India can vary based on several factors, including...

India Business

What is security guard services

Security guard services encompass a range of professional Security Guard Service in vki jaipur solutions provided by trained individuals...