IVF center in Hyderabad - Felicity IVF

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Infertility is a pertaining issue in today’s day and age. 

There is more than one reason for infertility and unlike the common assumptions, these challenges of infertility can actually be overcome by visiting best IVF center in Hyderabad

Additionally, infertility is not a problem just in women but also in men. 

Amalgamating critical information from our research, we have come to the conclusion that the following are the top 7 causes of infertility among the generation of today! 


The polycystic ovarian syndrome affects approximately 30% of women in today’s day and age. It is a condition which is developed when the ovaries produce excessive amounts of the male hormone called the test restaurant. Distance is known to lower the levels of the Female follicle-stimulating hormone. A woman with PCOD or PCOS will be inhibited from releasing the mature egg which later leads to the follicles filling fluid and becoming cysts. This means that the ovulation stops and it sees the production of Rochester on but continues to produce oestrogen. While it is true that like any other comorbidities, PCOD is not curable, it can be controlled and need not be a challenge in the woman becoming a mother. As one of the best infertility centre in hyderabad, Felicity will be the right place to consult for infertility issues. 


Research suggests that a lot of women’s infertility cases happen due to endometriosis. Endometriosis is a cancerous condition in which the endometrium happens to grow on the ovaries or various other surrounding areas. These cysts can inhibit egg release and in many cases spread to the uterus, fallopian tube and ovaries too. Laparoscopy is used to extract this abnormal tissue that blocks the passage of the egg. This treatment can simply lead to pregnancy and fertility. 

Poor Egg or Sperm Condition

In both men and women, the egg or sperm condition may deteriorate by becoming damaged or developing any chromosomal abnormalities which cannot sustain fertility or pregnancy. Usually, this problem is age-related and is known to happen in the late 30s or early 40s of both men and women. At this stage of life, fewer sperm remain and fewer eggs remain which diminishes the fitness of these existing forms. This leads to a fall in the ability of sperm release or egg release. This condition is also known to increase and enhance the risk of abnormalities in various chromosomes which also raises the risk of miscarriage even after pregnancy. Felicity, an infertility centre in hyderabad, specialises in these cases. 

Varicocele in Men 

Varicocele is a condition of the enlargement of the veins that are present in the scrotal sack of men. In this condition, the temperature of the disease is raised, thus affecting sperm production and its quality. During the time of male infertility investigation, this condition can be tested and diagnosed. The condition does not just affect the number but also the shape of the sperm.


Diabetes is a very common comorbidity in the youth of today. It has been known to cause various hormonal disruptions in both men and women which lead to a delay or a failure in embryo implantation or conception through natural means. Diabetes is associated with bad quality sperm and bad quality the embryo. Diabetes can also cause DNA damage i.e. genetic mutation and various deletions. Felicity, an infertility centre in hyderabad, is know for its expertise in treating infertility in diabetic patients through IVF. 


Another leading factor of infertility in men and women is age. With much earning, comes the challenge of a deterioration in the overall health of the human body does result in various issues that hamper the release of sperm in men and effective ovulation in women. This hamper can lead to infertility Aur untimely and unforeseen miscarriages.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections also known as STDs or STIs can occur from any kind of unprotected sexual activity. A long-standing STD can result in a higher risk or complication which may end up in permanent damage to the reproductive system and lead to infertility. 

Having said that, Felicity, a leading IVF clinic in Hyderabad assures that almost all infertility challenges can be resolved with the right investigation and care. 

We encourage you to visit this clinic. 

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