How to Prepare for Your Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Session

Experience specialized pelvic floor physiotherapy in Edmonton at Next Step Physiotherapy.

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How to Prepare for Your Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy Session

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a specialized form of therapy focused on strengthening and rehabilitating the muscles of the pelvic floor. Whether you're dealing with issues such as incontinence, pelvic pain, or postpartum recovery, preparing for your pelvic floor physiotherapy session is essential for maximizing the benefits of your treatment. At Next Step Physiotherapy, we aim to make your experience as comfortable and effective as possible. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your pelvic floor physiotherapy in Edmonton.


Understand the Purpose of Your Visit

Know Your Symptoms:


Before your session, take some time to understand and articulate your symptoms. Consider keeping a diary of your symptoms, noting when they occur, their severity, and any triggers. This information will help your physiotherapist tailor the treatment to your specific needs.


Set Goals:

Think about what you hope to achieve through pelvic floor physiotherapy. Whether it's reducing pain, improving bladder control, or enhancing sexual function, having clear goals can guide your treatment plan and help you stay focused.


Gather Your Medical History

Previous Treatments:


Bring a list of any previous treatments or therapies you’ve tried for your pelvic floor issues. This can include medications, surgeries, or other types of therapy. Providing this information will help your physiotherapist understand your medical background and avoid redundant treatments.


Relevant Medical Records:

If you have any relevant medical records, such as imaging reports or test results, bring them to your session. These records can provide valuable insights into your condition and assist in developing a comprehensive treatment plan.


Dress Comfortably

Appropriate Clothing:


Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to your session. This allows easy access for any physical assessments and ensures you are comfortable during exercises and treatments. Yoga pants, leggings, or shorts paired with a t-shirt or tank are good options.


Avoid Tight Clothing:

Tight clothing can restrict movement and make it difficult for your physiotherapist to conduct an accurate assessment. Choose garments that provide ease of movement and are not restrictive.


Hydrate and Eat Lightly

Stay Hydrated:


Drink plenty of water before your session. Hydration is important for overall muscle function and can help you feel more comfortable during your assessment and exercises.


Light Meal:

Avoid heavy or greasy foods that may cause discomfort during your session. Opt for something light and nutritious to keep your energy levels stable.

 Prepare Mentally

Understand the Process


Familiarize yourself with what to expect during a pelvic floor physiotherapy session. This might include a combination of discussion, physical examination, and exercises. Knowing what to expect can help reduce anxiety and make you feel more at ease.


Be Open and Honest:

Be prepared to discuss sensitive topics openly with your physiotherapist. They need to understand your symptoms and experiences fully to provide the best care. Remember, they are professionals trained to handle such matters with sensitivity and confidentiality.


Bring Necessary Items

List of Questions:


Having a list ensures you don’t forget to address important points during your session.


Personal Items:

Bring any items that might help you during your session, such as a water bottle, a notebook for taking notes, or a towel if you anticipate doing exercises that might cause you to sweat.

Arrive Early


Allow Time for Paperwork:

Arrive a few minutes early to complete any necessary paperwork or check-in procedures. This ensures your session can start on time and you have the full appointment duration for your treatment.




Arriving early also gives you a few minutes to relax and mentally prepare for your session. Use this time to calm any nerves and focus on the positive outcomes of your treatment.


Follow Pre-Session Instructions


Specific Instructions:


Your physiotherapist may provide specific instructions to follow before your session, such as avoiding certain activities or emptying your bladder. Make sure to follow these instructions carefully to ensure the most accurate assessment and effective treatment.




Preparing for your pelvic floor physiotherapy session at Next Step Physiotherapy in Edmonton involves understanding your symptoms, gathering relevant medical information, dressing comfortably, staying hydrated, and mentally preparing yourself. By following these tips, you can ensure a productive and comfortable session, setting the stage for effective treatment and better outcomes. Our team of dedicated physiotherapists is here to support you every step of the way on your journey to improved pelvic health and overall well-being.

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