Are you receiving monthly payments from a financial Note?
Do you know how much your note is worth? Are you tired of the monthly payment drip?
Would you like a lump sum of cash ($30k-$50k to $500k+) now for your future payments?
We can purchase a Portfolios of Financial Notes:
Residential Notes
Commercial Notes
Raw Land Notes
Court Settlements
Automobile Notes
Life Settlements
Business Notes
Lawsuit Funding
Lottery Payments
Factoring & Receivables
Charter Financial has specialized in purchasing financial notes for over 25 years. We offer excellent service & the highest price paid. We can buy the entire note or purchase a partial number of your payments for a Lump of cash. You may even sell future payments for cash today while still receiving current payments. NO NEW DEBT IS CREATED. We offer a Fee-Free professional service that includes the appraisal and all closing costs.
If you would like to know the value of your note and receive cash for your settlement payments visit us for a free appraisal today.
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The minimum balance left on the note must be at least $30,000.