Comprehensive Guide to Saudi Labor Law: Termination of Contract by Employee

This Saudi Labor Law Termination Of Contract By Employee guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Saudi labor law concerning the termination of employment contracts by employees, covering all relevant aspects in detail.

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Saudi labor laws are designed to protect both employers and employees by providing clear guidelines and regulations. Understanding these laws, especially regarding the termination of contracts by employees, is crucial for maintaining a compliant and harmonious work environment. This Saudi Labor Law Termination Of Contract By Employee guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Saudi labor law concerning the termination of employment contracts by employees, covering all relevant aspects in detail.

Types of Employment Contracts in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, employment contracts are categorized into two main types:

  1. Fixed-Term Contracts: These contracts have a specified end date and are typically used for both Saudi nationals and foreign workers. They may include renewal clauses that extend the contract for additional terms.
  2. Indefinite-Term Contracts: These contracts do not have a predefined end date and offer greater job stability. Only Saudi nationals can be employed under indefinite-term contracts​.

Termination of Fixed-Term Contracts by Employees

Notice Period and Procedures

Employees wishing to terminate a fixed-term contract before its stipulated end date must provide a notice period as specified in their contract. If the contract does not specify a notice period, the default is typically 60 days. This notice period allows the employer adequate time to find a replacement and for the employee to transition smoothly to their next role​.

Compensation for Early Termination

If an employee terminates a fixed-term contract without providing the required notice, they may be required to compensate the employer for any resultant damages. The compensation amount is usually equivalent to the wages for the remaining contract period or a minimum of two months' wages, whichever is greater. This is in accordance with Article 77 of the Saudi Labor Law​.

Termination of Indefinite-Term Contracts by Employees

Notice Period

Employees under indefinite-term contracts must provide a 60-day notice period if they wish to terminate their contract. This period allows both the employee and the employer to manage the transition effectively. The notice period can be longer if specified in the employment contract​​.

Justifications for Termination

While employees have the right to terminate their indefinite-term contracts, they are generally expected to provide valid reasons for doing so. Common reasons include finding a better job opportunity, personal or family reasons, or dissatisfaction with current working conditions. Regardless of the reason, the employee must comply with the notice period requirement to avoid any legal complications​​.

Compensation and End-of-Service Benefits

Compensation for Unjust Termination

If an employee's contract is terminated without valid reason or proper notice, the employer is entitled to compensation. According to Article 77 of the Saudi Labor Law, compensation is calculated as 15 days' wages for each year of service or a minimum of two months' wages, whichever is greater​​.

End-of-Service Benefits

Upon the termination of their contract, employees are entitled to end-of-service benefits. These benefits are a token of appreciation for the employee’s service and are calculated as follows:

  • For the first five years of service: 15 days' wages for each year.
  • For each subsequent year: One month's wages for each year of service​​.

Special Provisions for Foreign Employees

Mobility and Termination

Recent labor reforms have enhanced the mobility of foreign employees in Saudi Arabia. Foreign workers can now leave their job without their employer’s consent at the end of their contract, provided they give a 90-day notice if they have been in the country for at least one year. They can also use the government’s online portal for their exit/re-entry requests​.

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Saudi Arabia's groundbreaking labor reforms have ushered in a new era of employment flexibility for foreign workers. With increased mobility and the ability to switch jobs without employer consent, the Kingdom is now more attractive than ever for skilled professionals seeking rewarding career opportunities.

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End-of-Service Procedures

Foreign employees no longer need their employer’s permission to exit the country permanently. This change simplifies the process for foreign workers who wish to return to their home country after their contract ends​​.

Employer-Initiated Termination Under Article 80

Article 80 of the Saudi Labor Law outlines specific conditions under which an employer can terminate an employee without notice or compensation. These conditions include:

  • Assault or misconduct
  • Failure to perform essential job duties
  • Breach of contract terms
  • Unauthorized absence from work​.

Mutual Termination and Retirement

Contracts can be terminated by mutual agreement, which must be documented in writing. Additionally, employees can retire and terminate their contracts upon reaching the legal retirement age of 60. If both parties agree, the employment relationship can continue beyond the retirement age​ .

Rights and Obligations During the Notice Period

During the notice period, employees are entitled to take time off to seek new employment. Employers must respect this right and cannot withhold the employee’s salary during this period. This provision helps employees transition smoothly to new job opportunities without financial hardship​.

Handling Illegal Termination

Illegal termination of an employment contract can lead to significant penalties for the employer. If an employee is terminated without just cause or proper notice, they can seek legal recourse and claim compensation. The compensation amount is typically calculated based on the employee’s length of service and the terms of the employment contract​​.

Practical Steps for Employers

Ensuring Compliance

Employers must ensure that their termination procedures comply with Saudi labor laws. This includes providing proper notice, valid reasons for termination, and appropriate compensation. Employers should also document all termination processes to avoid legal disputes​​.

Managing Employee Resignations

When an employee resigns, employers should conduct an exit interview to understand the reasons for resignation and address any underlying issues. This feedback can be valuable for improving workplace conditions and employee retention​​.

Practical Steps for Employees

Understanding Your Rights

Employees should familiarize themselves with their rights under Saudi labor law, including notice periods, compensation, and end-of-service benefits. Knowing these rights can help employees make informed decisions about their employment and handle any termination situations effectively​​.

Seeking Legal Advice

If an employee feels their rights have been violated during the termination process, they should seek legal advice. Legal experts can provide guidance on the best course of action and help employees navigate the complexities of labor laws​​.


Understanding the intricacies of Saudi labor law regarding the termination of contracts by employees is essential for both employers and employees. By adhering to the legal requirements and ensuring fair practices, both parties can maintain a harmonious and compliant work environment. This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of the key aspects of termination laws, helping stakeholders navigate this crucial area with confidence.

For further details and legal advice, it is recommended to consult labor law experts or trusted legal sources in Saudi Arabia. This ensures that all actions taken are in full compliance with the current regulations and protect the rights of all parties involved.