9 Reasons Why Enterprise Testing Fails You

Yesterday’s software testing practices can’t keep up with the pace of development and changing business priorities today. Most companies fail to recognize the constantly evolving testing landscape, and the required steps to overcome it.

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9 Reasons Why Enterprise Testing Fails You

Competition creates pressure. Today, teams are under enormous pressure to deliver releases with increased speed and quality.

According to GitLab’s research, nearly 60% of survey respondents said their organizations deploy multiple times a day, once a day, or once every few days. Just 11% said they deploy once a month and only 8% said every few months. This highlights how important it is to be agile — both in development andYesterday’s software testing practices can’t keep up with the pace of development and changing business priorities today. Most companies fail to recognize the constantly evolving testing landscape, and the required steps to overcome it. testing.

Top reasons why Enterprise testing fails

If your team is struggling, it’s probably because of one or more of these issues.

  1. Lack of Testing due to Unrealistic Time Expectations

Development teams manage, enhance and validate applications in a short sprinted Agile framework and release them to the end users with limited regression testing. This lack of testing translates to a False sense of Quality — thereby a failure to deliver the fanatical experience they promise.

Regression testing plays a crucial role in achieving a stable version of the software by finding defects before production deployment.

Pro Tip: With its 3 types of regression testing services, Webomates CQ is really quick in initiating the regression in just 3 minutes based on the regression type, platforms, and the target environment selected.

  1. Outdated Test Cases & Suite

The number of changes in the testing code is proportional to the changes made by the developer in the application. It is very difficult to identify which test cases should be modified or added.

You need Self-healing scripts that help in test script maintenance by automatically detecting and resolving issues that arise during the execution of test scripts.

Pro Tip: Webomates CQ provides patented AiHealing which is carried out during the software regression cycle within the 24-hour or 8-hour window.

  1. Lack of Exploratory Testing

As test case-based testing follows a predefined script, there are chances that a bug may not fall in the script’s scope. To overcome this challenge, you need Exploratory testing using a rotating vector-based approach that pushes the envelope in each regression looking to find new defects in the software release that are outside of the defined test cases.

Pro Tip: Webomates leverages the strengths of exploratory testing on top of test cases in regression testing to expand the scope of the test and take the quality to the next level.

  1. Enormous Amount of Time Lost in Defect Triaging

Defects are bound to be detected while boosting feature velocity, but the key is to find them early before production. The best way to achieve this is by setting up a proper tracking system that can identify defects at the right time (as early as possible), triage them, and report them to the concerned stakeholders to improve the quality process.

Pro Tip: Webomates Defect Triaging feature shares a comprehensive triaged defect report that includes defect summary, steps for replicating the defect, a video of actual bug instances, priority suggestions, and test cases mapped with the defect.

  1. Not Embracing Shift-Left Testing

The cost of fixing a defect rises exponentially as you move closer to production, along with compromised user experience, functionality, and security. One way to mitigate risks and eliminate surprises is by performing Shift-Left testing — where UI, API, load, and security testing are done early on rather than towards the end of application development.

Pro Tip: This makes it a lot easier to identify and fix the defects in the staging environment itself, enabling fasterbetter, and quality applications.

  1. Engage in Test Automation

Focusing on manual testing can slow down the testing process and lead to inconsistent test execution, mainly when dealing with repetitive tasks or large-scale testing requirements. With test automation, developers and testers can automate the entire build-to-test process across all the stages of software development.

Pro Tip: In this DevOps-driven landscape, it is highly recommended to adopt test automation in order to avail maximum benefit. AI-based test automation includes UI TestingAPI Testing, along with non-functional testing.

  1. Poor and Insufficient Test Data

The biggest challenge for ensuring an excellent testing process and reliability is the lack of diverse and quality test data. Test data is the generation of data that comes as close as possible to your production data without revealing any sensitive information — all guided by artificial intelligence and analytics.

Pro Tip: Use Generative AI to prepare extensive data sets including edge cases, thereby accelerating testing phases and enhancing overall efficiency. Additionally, you can also use Predictive analysis to create realistic test data by analyzing the existing data patterns.

  1. Lack of Cloud Infrastructure Adoption

Managing IT infrastructure involves manual, complex, and mundane processes like setting up the servers, configuring them, deploying the applications, and managing the load whenever required. Lack of cloud infrastructure adoption can restrict scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making it more difficult to build and maintain reliable testing environments.

Today, the cloud is a catalyst for any company’s growth. Products are now moving to the cloud, and so is Testing. Testing as a Service (TaaS) — also known as On-Demand testing service — helps you scale with agility and overcome the typical traditional testing bottlenecks.

Pro-Tip: Webomates — a cloud-based testing platform, is powered by a range of patented AI-infused tools. Take a look at this animation and know the three easy steps you can take to AI automate your application.

  1. Inability to make intelligent and improved decisions

If you are a manager or part of the C-suite executives, you need data-driven insights that can help you make intelligent decisions. With a focus on solving critical business problems, test insights and analytics that help you improve product quality and effectiveness.

Pro-Tip: Use test insights into the entire CI/CD pipeline to understand the impact every change is having on the product. It also provides guidance and strategic benefits to test management.

Testing for the Future: How can Webomates Help?

User expectations are rising, and you need intelligent solutions to assist you in dealing with these challenges. You need to modernize the company with technology that promotes creativity and innovation, improves customer experiences, and equips the employees with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed business decisions.

Identifying the gaps is the first step in moving forward. The next step is to create a plan and choose a service/tool that can assist you in bridging all of these gaps. AI-based testing helps to predict the best testing approach, anticipate and prevent mistakes, and enable the pace and scope of software releases.

Webomates is a complete Testing as a Service (TaaS) provider. Its cloud-native platform helps teams overcome the complexities of testing applications built using advanced technologies and perform both functional and non-functional tests.

The benefits include:

If you are interested in learning more about Webomates CQ service please click here and schedule a demo, or reach out to us at info@webomates.com

Tag : enterprise software testingEnterprise Testing StrategySoftware TestingTest Automationtesting enterprise software