What are the Effective Ways To Design Your Modern Office Layout

The design of a modern office layout can have a significant impact on employee productivity, collaboration, and overall work environment. As a leading interior design firm in Bangalore, we have compiled effective ways to design your office layout for optimal functionality and aesthetics.

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What are the Effective Ways To Design Your Modern Office Layout

When it comes to designing an efficient and inspiring office space, the layout plays a crucial role. As a leading provider of interior design services in Bangalore, we have extensive experience in crafting modern office layouts that foster productivity and collaboration.

A good office design can significantly impact team morale, contribute to a more innovative workplace, and improve the mental and physical health of your employees. Whether you are planning to design an office, read on to find out how to plan a good office layout.

Consider Different Workstations and Seating Arrangements

Different workstations and seating arrangements are suitable for different tasks and teams. For example, providing a quiet and private space for making phone calls can help employees feel more relaxed and focused. Having an area where people can work together and exchange ideas can create a collaborative environment. A mix of private and social settings gives employees the choice of where to work, striking the perfect balance.

When it comes to seating, it is recommended to move away from rigid seating plans and allow employees to move freely to where they feel they can work best. Employees may prefer to sit within their teams or with people from other departments who work with the same clients. Flexibility is key in today's office environment.

Prioritize Office Ergonomics

Realistically, your employees will spend most of their working day sitting at their desks, which can lead to various health issues. Investing in quality ergonomic chairs designed for maximum support and sitting habits can help reduce stress on the body and allow employees to customize their chairs for a far more comfortable way of working.

Stay On-Brand

While it is important for your office design to be functional, it should also reflect your brand. Your office aesthetic sends a powerful message to clients and future employees, reflecting both your brand and your company's values.

Choose the Right Color Scheme

The color of something can have a significant impact on how someone feels. Blues and greens are known for being calming colors, while red is fiery and passionate. White is a popular choice for offices as it can help a space look larger, but it can also be perceived as boring. Choosing warm neutral colors to create a calm and welcoming environment and adding splashes of color through feature furniture, artwork, plants, sculptures, and books can add depth and interest.

Ensure There's Plenty of Natural Lighting

Workers exposed to more natural lighting during the day sleep better at night, leading to a more productive working day and more relaxed employees. If your office space doesn't get a lot of natural light, provide sufficient lighting that is similar to sunlight. Additionally, consider using desk lamps that mimic the cycle of sunlight throughout the day to increase alertness, health, and productivity.

Add plants

Plants don’t just brighten up an office space with their bright and cheery nature, but they’re also proven to be amazing mood boosters. Plants can help purify the air and stabilize the humidity levels, making employees feel more refreshed and optimistic during the day.

Some of the best office plants to include are snake plants, hanging air plants, aloe vera, succulents, peace lilies, and English ivy, as they are all exceptionally easy to maintain, which is ideal for busy office workers.

Use movable furniture

Movable furniture encourages flexibility and collaborative working. Furniture doesn’t need to be fixed in one place, and there are plenty of options for moving items, such as agile mobile screens for privacy, desks on wheels, and portable technology. This means workstations can be moved to a quieter spot, if one area is too loud or if someone needs to make a call. Chairs and tables can also be pushed together for a quick team meeting with ease.

Provide storage space

Providing sufficient storage space is essential for every office. No one enjoys working in a cluttered environment as it creates stress and anxiety. Plus, if your office is untidy, it gives the wrong impression to clients or potential employees.

Ensure there’s plenty of storage, such as drawers to store paperwork and everyday supplies to keep desks clear, cupboards for larger items, and personal smart lockers for employees to store their belongings or any packages they might get delivered to the office.


Office design is not a quick, one-size-fits-all project. It takes time, patience, and understanding to get it right and ensure employees are happy. We recommend experimenting with interior design and modular furniture, as well as listening to and taking on board ideas from the people who work for your company. After all, they’re the ones who will spend the most time in the office and will no doubt have plenty of ways to make the space more functional, comfortable, and enjoyable to be in.

At Paul's creation, we specialize in creating effective work environments and a leading Interior Designers in Bangalore. Take a look at our office fit-out services and our design services and let us guide you in the right direction.

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