The Science Behind Invisalign Braces: How They Work

Regular check-ups at Amma Naana Dental Clinic ensure the treatment progresses as planned. Adjustments and refinements are made as necessary to ensure the desired outcomes are achieved.

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The Science Behind Invisalign Braces: How They Work
The Science Behind Invisalign Braces: How They Work

Exploring the Mechanics at Amma Naana Dental Clinic

Understanding the science behind Invisalign braces reveals the intricate process that enables the gradual alignment of teeth. Amma Naana Dental Clinic offers insights into the working mechanism of Invisalign aligners. invisalign price in chennai

3D Imaging Technology

Invisalign treatment commences with a thorough assessment using advanced 3D imaging technology. This imaging creates a digital model of the patient's teeth, enabling precise planning of the treatment process.

Customized Treatment Plan

Based on the 3D model, a personalized treatment plan is devised. This plan determines the gradual movement of teeth into their desired positions throughout the treatment duration.

Aligner Fabrication

A series of custom-made aligners are then fabricated using the treatment plan. Each aligner represents a different stage of the teeth alignment process and is specifically designed for a particular phase of treatment. invisalign braces price

Controlled Force Application

Invisalign aligners utilize controlled and gentle force on specific teeth. The aligners are strategically designed to apply pressure on targeted areas, gradually shifting the teeth into the desired alignment.

Replacement and Progression

Patients progress through the series of aligners, typically wearing each set for about 1-2 weeks. As each aligner is replaced with the next in the sequence, the teeth gradually move closer to the final alignment. invisalign aligners cost

Treatment Monitoring

Regular check-ups at Amma Naana Dental Clinic ensure the treatment progresses as planned. Adjustments and refinements are made as necessary to ensure the desired outcomes are achieved.

Retainers for Maintenance

Upon completion of the treatment, retainers might be recommended to maintain the achieved alignment. Retainers help prevent teeth from reverting to their original positions.


The science behind Invisalign braces involves precise planning, custom fabrication, and controlled force application to gradually shift teeth into alignment. At Amma Naana Dental Clinic, our utilization of advanced technology ensures a meticulous and effective orthodontic treatment experience through Invisalign.

To explore the science behind Invisalign further and begin your journey towards a beautifully aligned smile, schedule a consultation with us at Amma Naana Dental Clinic. invisalign aligners price