The Mystery of Frozen Shoulder Unveiled: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment in Surrey

Frozen shoulder can be a perplexing and painful condition, but it is not insurmountable. Frozen shoulder can find hope and relief through physiotherapy

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The Mystery of Frozen Shoulder Unveiled: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment in Surrey
The Mystery of Frozen Shoulder Unveiled: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment in Surrey



Imagine waking up one day to find that your shoulder has become stiff and painful, limiting your ability to move it freely. You may be experiencing a condition known as frozen shoulder, a perplexing and uncomfortable ailment that affects countless individuals. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of frozen shoulder, exploring its causes, symptoms, and treatment options, with a particular focus on the role of physiotherapy in Surrey in helping individuals regain their mobility and alleviate pain.


I. Understanding Frozen Shoulder


Before we explore treatment options, let's unravel the mystery of frozen shoulder:


Frozen shoulder, medically known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by the gradual onset of shoulder pain and stiffness. It primarily affects the joint capsule surrounding the shoulder, leading to a decreased range of motion. This condition can be divided into three distinct stages:


Freezing Stage: During this initial stage, patients experience increasing pain and a gradual loss of shoulder mobility. The shoulder starts to become stiff.


Frozen Stage: In this stage, pain may stabilize, but the shoulder remains immobile, making it challenging to perform everyday tasks.


Thawing Stage: In the final stage, the shoulder gradually regains its mobility, and pain begins to subside. Full recovery may take several months.


Causes of Frozen Shoulder


The exact cause of frozen shoulder remains somewhat of a mystery, but several factors are believed to contribute:


Age and Gender: Frozen shoulder is more common in individuals aged 40 and older, with women being more susceptible.


Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and thyroid disorders, are associated with an increased risk of developing frozen shoulder.


Injury or Surgery: A previous shoulder injury or surgery can trigger the onset of frozen shoulder in some cases.


Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder


Recognizing the symptoms of frozen shoulder is essential for early diagnosis and effective treatment:


Pain: Persistent and often intense pain, especially at night.


Stiffness: Gradual loss of shoulder mobility, making it difficult to raise the arm.


Limited Range of Motion: Difficulty performing everyday activities, like reaching for objects or dressing.


Diagnosis and Assessment


Diagnosing frozen shoulder typically involves a physical examination, medical history review, and imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRI scans. In Surrey, physiotherapists are trained to assess and diagnose frozen shoulder, which is a critical step in tailoring an effective treatment plan.


Treatment Options


Now, let's explore various treatment options for frozen shoulder, with a particular focus on the role of physiotherapy in Surrey:


Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications may be used to manage pain and inflammation.


Physical Therapy (Physiotherapy): This is often a cornerstone of frozen shoulder treatment. In Surrey, physiotherapists create customized exercise programs to improve range of motion and strengthen the shoulder muscles. They may also use manual therapy techniques to alleviate pain and promote healing.


Corticosteroid Injections: In some cases, corticosteroid injections into the shoulder joint can provide relief from inflammation and pain.


Heat and Cold Therapy: Alternating between heat and cold applications can help reduce pain and improve blood flow to the affected area.


Hydrodilatation: This minimally invasive procedure involves injecting sterile water into the joint capsule to stretch it, increasing range of motion.


Home Exercises: Physiotherapists provide patients with home exercises to complement their in-clinic sessions, ensuring a more comprehensive recovery plan.


Surgery: Surgical intervention is considered a last resort and may involve manipulation under anesthesia or arthroscopic release to break up adhesions.


The Role of Physiotherapy in Surrey


In Surrey, physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in the treatment of frozen shoulder. Experienced physiotherapists at Surrey's renowned physiotherapy clinics customize treatment plans to address each patient's unique needs. This approach often includes:


Assessment: Thorough evaluation to determine the severity and stage of frozen shoulder.


Exercise Prescription: Tailored exercise programs to improve flexibility and strength, gradually restoring shoulder function.


Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques, such as joint mobilization, to reduce pain and enhance mobility.


Education: Providing patients with knowledge about their condition, self-management strategies, and preventive measures.


The Road to Recovery


Recovery from frozen shoulder can be a gradual process, but with the right treatment and guidance, individuals can regain their mobility and live pain-free lives. The combination of ICBC Physiotherapy Surrey, pain management, and a commitment to prescribed exercises can significantly accelerate the recovery journey.




Frozen shoulder can be a perplexing and painful condition, but it is not insurmountable. In Surrey, individuals dealing with frozen shoulder can find hope and relief through physiotherapy. By understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and seeking prompt treatment, individuals can embark on the road to recovery and regain their shoulder mobility.


If you or a loved one is experiencing the symptoms of frozen shoulder, don't hesitate to reach out to a reputable physiotherapy clinic in Surrey. With their expertise, you can unravel the mystery of frozen shoulder and take the first step toward a pain-free future.