Located in the pious city of Dwarka, home to the beloved Lord Krishna, Sharda Peeth Matha is one of the four significant religious Centres also known as Matha. Situated inside the main Dwaraka temple, the Sharda Peeth Math was established by Adi Shankaracharya, who was a 9th century preacher and reformer of Hinduism and traveled to places to communicate his message

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Located in the pious city of Dwarka, home to the beloved Lord Krishna, Sharda Peeth Matha is one of the four significant religious Centres also known as Matha. Situated inside the main Dwaraka temple, the Sharda Peeth Math was established by Adi Shankaracharya, who was a 9th century preacher and reformer of Hinduism and traveled to places to communicate his message