Scleral Lenses: A Life-Changing Solution for Improved Vision and Comfort

scleral lenses are a highly effective option for individuals with certain eye conditions seeking improved vision and comfort. Studies have shown a high success rate in improving visual acuity and reducing discomfort, but the outcome can vary depending on the individual's eye condition and other factors.

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What do scleral lenses do?

Scleral lenses are a type of contact lens that rests on the scleral, or the white part of the eye and are designed to correct vision and provide comfort for individuals with certain eye conditions. Unlike traditional contact lenses, which rest on the cornea, scleral lenses are larger in diameter and create a fluid-filled reservoir between the lens and the cornea, which can help keep the eye moist and reduce discomfort.


Scleral lenses can improve vision in individuals with irregular corneas, such as those with keratoconus or other corneal abnormalities or scarring. They can also protect the cornea by acting as a barrier between the eye and the environment, which can be helpful for individuals who have undergone corneal transplant surgery or have severe dry eye. 

Scleral lenses


Can scleral lenses improve eyesight?

Scleral lenses can indeed improve eyesight for individuals with certain eye conditions. Here are some reasons why:


1. Correct Irregular Corneas: Scleral lenses are designed to rest on the sclera rather than the cornea, which can make them a good option for individuals with irregular corneas, such as those with keratoconus or other corneal abnormalities or scarring. The larger diameter of scleral lenses can also provide more stable and consistent vision correction.


2. Reduce Aberrations: The shape of the scleral lens can help reduce aberrations or distortions in vision caused by irregular corneas, which can improve visual acuity and contrast sensitivity & thereby improving the quality of vision.


3. Provide a Clearer Visual Field: Because scleral lenses cover a larger portion of the eye than traditional contact lenses, they can provide a clearer visual field and reduce glare or halos around lights, which can be especially beneficial for nighttime driving.


4. Longer Wear Time: Because scleral lenses are designed to be more comfortable than traditional contact lenses, they can often be worn for longer periods of time, which can provide more consistent vision correction throughout the day.


5. Improve Quality of Life: By providing improved vision, scleral lenses can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with certain eye conditions. They can allow individuals to engage in activities they may have avoided due to vision problems, such as driving at night or participating in sports. They can also improve confidence and self-esteem, as well as reduce the risk of developing further eye problems.

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What is the success rate of scleral lenses? Important

Scleral lenses are specialized contact lenses that are designed to vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera (white part of the eye). They are often used to treat corneal abnormalities and dry eye symptoms that cannot be effectively managed with other types of contact lenses or eye drops.


Studies have shown that scleral lenses can provide significant relief for patients with these conditions, with success rates of up to 85%. This is due to the fact that scleral lenses create a fluid-filled chamber between the lens and the cornea, which helps to protect and lubricate the cornea.

Despite their high success rate, scleral lenses can take time to learn how to insert and remove the lenses properly, and some patients may experience irritation or redness while wearing them.


However, for patients who are able to tolerate scleral lenses, the benefits can be life-changing. Scleral lenses can improve visual acuity and quality of life for those with corneal abnormalities and dry eye symptoms, allowing them to participate in activities that were once impossible due to discomfort and vision problems.

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In summary

  scleral lenses are a highly effective option for individuals with certain eye conditions seeking improved vision and comfort. Studies have shown a high success rate in improving visual acuity and reducing discomfort, but the outcome can vary depending on the individual's eye condition and other factors. 

It's important to work with an experienced eye care professional for proper fitting and adjustment of the lenses. is a trusted provider of scleral lenses that offers personalized fitting services with licensed optometrists and ophthalmologists. With the right guidance, scleral lenses can provide a life-changing improvement in vision and quality of life