Jessica Jenny

Jessica Jenny

Last seen: 1 day ago

Member since Dec 1, 2023

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Online Digital Marketing course & Skill Development Program

Digital marketing and skill development are ever-evolving fields, shaped by new technologies and strategies, requiring constant learning...


Information technology (IT)technical staffing services...

Fixity Tech's specialized engineering recruitment agencies, IT solutions, and staffing solutions help you find the right talent that...


Technical staffing recruitment and IT solutions by Fixity...

Offering IT services, IT solutions, product development, and hire-train-deploy programs to drive your business forward with innovative...


Top 10 IT staffing solutions & products for hiring

"Discover expert staffing solutions and technical staffing services to find top IT talent, streamline your hiring process, and boost...


How digital marketing upskilling program benefits for students?

Fixity's Student Development program and Digital Marketing Course. gain essential skills and knowledge to excel in today’s competitive...


Best Recruiting companies and agencies in Hyderabad 2024

Discover the top recruiting companies and agencies in Hyderabad for 2024, specializing in IT staffing solutions to help you find the...


What is Academic development & the importance of upskilling?

Discover the significance of Academic development and the crucial role of upskilling in enhancing knowledge, improving career prospects,...


Empowering Students: Data Science Development Program

Elevate your career with our comprehensive Data Science Certification Course. Access the best online training in Data Science and...


The Key to Success in Today's Job Market

In today's changing employment environment, the key to success is to embrace specialized training programs. These programs give learners...


Where Potential Becomes Reality

"At FixityEdx, we go beyond typical classroom conventions. Our methodology combines cutting-edge facilities, experiential learning,...


Student upskilling program

With FixityEdx student upskilling programs, we go above and beyond traditional classroom instruction. We combine modern facilities,...


Student upskilling program : Education Advancement Initiative

Empower your educational journey with our Student Upskilling Program. This program equips students with the versatility and adaptability...


Student Upskilling Program (SUP):

The Student Upskilling Program (SUP) is a pioneering initiative aimed at bridging educational gaps and empowering students with essential...


Cloud Architect online course

In the dynamic realm of cloud computing, the role of a Cloud Architect is nothing short of visionary. A Cloud Architect serves as...