Problems Faced By The Real Estate And Construction Sectors

Real estate and those working in the industry like real estate companies in Sri Lanka who buy and sell houses, bare land, and commercial property for sale for land buyers in Sri Lanka, are an important part of any country.

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Problems Faced By The Real Estate And Construction Sectors

Real estate and those working in the industry like real estate companies in Sri Lanka who buy and sell houses, bare land, and commercial property for sale for land buyers in Sri Lanka, are an important part of any country. The real estate and construction sectors are crucial for a country's economic development, employment, and overall growth. Here are some reasons why:

      Economic Growth: They contribute significantly to a country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and economic growth. When the construction sector is active, it leads to the creation of new jobs and the growth of various industries, including manufacturing, finance, and services. Moreover, as this industry grows, so does the demand for raw materials, equipment, and transportation, leading to increased economic activity.

      Employment: They are among the largest employers in any country. These sectors employ a diverse range of professionals, including architects, engineers, builders, and construction workers. The employment opportunities offered by these sectors are both skilled and unskilled, providing jobs for a large portion of the population.

      Infrastructure Development: They play a vital role in infrastructure development, including the construction of highways, bridges, airports, hospitals, and schools. Infrastructure development leads to improved transportation, healthcare, education, and communication systems, all of which are essential for a country's development.

      Housing: The real estate sector is responsible for providing housing for the population. Affordable housing is an essential component of any country's growth, and it contributes to social and economic stability. Construction is responsible for building new homes and maintaining existing ones.

      Wealth Creation: Real estate is a significant driver of wealth creation. Owning property can provide a steady stream of rental income or generate capital gains. In addition, these investments can be a hedge against inflation and provide a relatively stable long-term investment. 

These sectors are essential for a country's economic and social development. They contribute to job creation, infrastructure development, and wealth creation, among other benefits. 

What are some of the problems faced by these two sectors and how can they face these challenges?

The real estate and construction industries face several challenges that hinder their growth and development. Here are some of the common problems faced by these sectors and some potential solutions:


1.     Limited Access to Financing

Those working within these industries require significant capital investment. Access to financing is often limited due to their high-risk nature. To address this challenge, governments can incentivize banks and financial institutions to provide loans to these sectors, and alternative financing models like crowdfunding and real estate investment trusts (REITs) can be explored. Here are some ways these sectors can address this challenge:

      Alternative Financing Models: These companies can explore alternative financing models such as crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending, and real estate investment trusts (REITs). These models can provide access to a wider pool of investors, and they can offer more flexible terms than traditional lending options.

      Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Governments can partner with the private sector to invest in real estate and infrastructure projects. PPPs can provide access to financing, technical expertise, and other resources required for the successful execution of projects. PPPs can also reduce the burden on public finances and ensure that projects are executed efficiently.

      Incentivize Banks and Financial Institutions: Governments can incentivize banks and financial institutions to provide loans to the real estate and construction sectors. This can be done by providing tax credits, subsidies, or other financial incentives to encourage lending.

      Access to Capital Markets: Developers and construction companies can access capital markets by issuing bonds or equities. This can provide access to a wider pool of investors, and it can offer more flexible terms than traditional lending options.

      Microfinance: Microfinance can be an effective way to provide financing to small-scale projects. Microfinance institutions can provide loans to individuals and small businesses with limited access to traditional financing options.


2.     Skilled Labour Shortage

The construction sector requires skilled labor to execute projects efficiently. However, there is a shortage of skilled workers due to factors such as an aging workforce, lack of vocational training, and immigration policies. One way to address this issue is by investing in vocational training and apprenticeship programs to train more skilled workers. Additionally, immigration policies that allow skilled workers to migrate to countries that face labor shortages in construction could be implemented. Some other ways this challenge can be met include:

      Vocational Training: These companies can invest in vocational training programs to train more skilled workers. These programs can provide on-the-job training, apprenticeships, and certifications to workers.

      Retraining Programs: Retraining programs can be offered to existing workers to upgrade their skills and knowledge. This can help address the skills gap and ensure that the workforce remains competitive.

      Immigration Policies: Governments can implement immigration policies that allow skilled workers to migrate to countries that face labor shortages in construction. This can help address the shortage of skilled workers in the short term while investments are made in vocational training programs.

      Modernising Workplaces: Modernising workplaces by adopting technology, such as automation and artificial intelligence, can reduce the need for skilled labor in some areas. This can help address the shortage of skilled workers in the long term.

      Offering Competitive Pay and Benefits: Such businesses can offer competitive pay and benefits to attract skilled workers. This can include health insurance, retirement plans, and other incentives.

      Collaboration: Collaboration between these two sectors, vocational training institutions, and government bodies can help address the skilled labor shortage. This can involve creating partnerships that support training programs and provide funding for vocational training institutions.


3.     Regulatory Hurdles

The real estate and construction sectors are heavily regulated, which can lead to lengthy and costly approval processes. Streamlining regulatory processes by using technology and implementing a single-window clearance system can reduce delays and costs. Others include:

      Lobbying and Advocacy: They can engage in lobbying and advocacy efforts to influence policy decisions that affect their industry. This can include working with industry associations to present a unified voice on regulatory issues.

      Compliance Management: These businesses can invest in compliance management systems to ensure that they comply with regulations. This can include creating internal policies and procedures, conducting regular audits, and training employees on regulatory requirements.

      Regulatory Reform: They can work with government bodies to reform regulations that hinder their ability to operate effectively. This can involve proposing changes to regulations that are outdated or overly burdensome.

      Technology: Technology can help them comply with regulations more efficiently. For example, construction companies can use software to manage permits and approvals, and real estate companies can use software to manage tenant and property information.

      Collaboration: Collaboration between them and government bodies can help address regulatory hurdles. This can involve creating partnerships that support regulatory reform and encourage innovation in the industry.


The real estate and construction sectors are among the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. The adoption of sustainable practices can address this challenge. Governments can incentivize developers to adopt green building practices and promote the use of renewable energy sources. This can include tax credits, grants, and other financial incentives, as well as:

      Green Building Certification: Green building certification programs, such as LEED, can help these companies build more sustainable buildings. These programs provide guidelines for sustainable design, construction, and operation.

      Energy-Efficient Building Design: They can design buildings that are energy-efficient, such as using materials that are locally sourced, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, and using natural lighting.

      Renewable Energy: They can incorporate renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce their carbon footprint.

      Sustainable Construction Materials: These businesses can use sustainable materials, such as recycled materials, and minimise waste during construction.

      Waste Management: They can develop waste management plans to reduce waste during construction and ensure that waste is disposed of properly.

      Water Conservation: They can incorporate water conservation measures, such as low-flow plumbing fixtures and water-efficient landscaping.

      Public Awareness and Education: Real estate and construction companies can raise public awareness of sustainability issues and educate the public on the benefits of sustainable practices.

 4.     Volatile Market

The real estate market is subject to economic cycles and is sensitive to external shocks such as natural disasters and pandemics. To mitigate the impact of market volatility, developers can adopt a phased development approach, starting with smaller projects and scaling up gradually. Additionally, they can also:

      Diversification: These businesses can diversify their portfolio of properties and projects to spread risk. This can include investing in different types of properties, such as residential, commercial, and industrial, and different geographic locations.

      Market Analysis: They can conduct market analysis to understand the market trends and adjust their strategies accordingly. This can involve monitoring interest rates, supply and demand, and economic indicators.

      Financial Planning: Those in these industries can create a financial plan that includes contingencies for market volatility. This can involve creating a budget that allows for unexpected expenses and maintaining a reserve fund.

      Flexibility: They can maintain flexibility in their operations to adapt to changing market conditions. This can include negotiating contracts with suppliers and vendors that allow for changes in project timelines and budgets.

      Collaboration: Collaboration between them can help address market volatility. This can involve creating partnerships that support shared risk and provide access to a larger pool of resources.

      Innovation: They can invest in innovation and technology to improve efficiency and reduce costs. This can include using building information modeling (BIM) software and automation tools. 

These sectors face several challenges, including limited access to financing, skilled labor shortage, regulatory hurdles, sustainability, and market volatility. Addressing these challenges will require a collaborative effort between the government, private sector, and other stakeholders to ensure sustainable growth and development of these sectors.