Pharma In / Out Licensing service | Pharmaceutical Licensing service

We provide Pharma In / Out Licensing service or Pharma Licensing service. Right from helping you select the right market, to providing a detailed analysis of the buyer and other necessary information, we are the one-stop shop for all your out-licensing needs.

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Pharma In / Out Licensing service | Pharmaceutical Licensing service


Just like every pharmaceutical company is on the lookout for a breakthrough drug, so are investors who wish to invest and market them. Having properly understood every market and the requirement, we provide in-licensing solutions with precise information and detailed guidance. We offer precise drug information with proper compliance study as well as help in accessing competitive advantages.

Before investing in any drug, it is pivotal to study its uses and its impact on the market. But when you approach us, you can bid goodbye to all your concerns as we provide you with a detailed analysis of the potential drugs you may invest in and which drug shall help you reap maximum benefits if marketed well. So, come forth and we will guide you with our licensing services and whether they align with the core competencies of the market you wish to approach.


If you already have a drug and are on the lookout for someone to market it, then you have come to the right place. Having a blockbuster drug means nothing if you cannot channel it properly and make it available to a wider audience. At Neunco, we are constantly in touch with genuine businesses that wish to invest properly in drugs and take them to the next level.

Right from helping you select the right market, to providing a detailed analysis of the buyer and other necessary information, we are the one-stopshop for all your out-licensing needs. Our alliances with strong partners also embolden your prospects and allow you to sell your marketing rights to the right person.