Important questions to ask your siding contractor

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Are you considering repairing or replacing your siding to enhance the appearance and integrity of your home’s exterior? Choosing the right siding contractor is a critical decision in order to ensure the right quality and outcome. So how do you find the right contractor for your siding project? Simple, by asking all the right questions. Here’s a list of all the important questions you need to ask a potential siding contractor to find out whether they’re skilled, experienced and more importantly, right for your home. 

Questions to ask your siding contractor

Are you licensed and insured?

Among the first things to do is to confirm that the siding contractor is licensed to work in your area and carries the necessary insurance. Having the necessary licenses and insurance will  protect both you and the contractor in case of accidents or unexpected issues.

Can you provide references?

Ask for references of previous customers, as this enables you to speak to homeowners like you and understand their perspective of the quality of work delivered by the contractor. A reputable siding contractor will have no qualms in providing you with a list of clients who can vouch for their work.

What types of siding do you offer?

There’s a variety of siding materials and it’s important to know which best suits your home. Inquire about the different siding materials the contractor specializes in or works with. This might include options like vinyl, fiber cement, wood, or stucco. Discuss the pros and cons of each to determine which is best for your home.

Do you have experience with this type of siding?

Siding contractors generally come with expertise and experience that applies to particular siding materials. If you have a specific siding in mind for your home, it’s necessary to check if the contractor has experience working with that material. A contractor who specializes in vinyl siding, for example, may not be the best choice for wood siding installation.

What is the timeline for the project?

The pace of your siding project will vary from contractor to contractor, and depends on factors like team strength, skills & experience, tools & equipment as well as schedule & commitment. 

Ask the contractor for the start and completion dates for your siding project. This will enable you to compare timelines and then go for the contractor with the most reasonable timeline. 

What is the cost estimate?

Your new siding project has to fit in the budget that you have in mind. Asking contractors for quotes with a detailed breakdown of the project’s cost will allow you to know the going rate in the market, and also identify contractors who offer quality work at affordable rates. Make sure to ask about any additional expenses that are likely to arise during the project to avoid surprises later on.

Do you offer warranty or guarantees?

It may happen that the siding you have installed turns out defective or the work carried out by the contractor develops problems soon after completion. It’s important therefore, to ask about warranties or guarantees provided by the contractor, which will protect you from the costs of material replacement or additional labor required to correct an improperly done job. 

Will you handle permits and inspections?

Initiating a home improvement project will necessitate permits and entail inspections during the course of the project. Make sure the contractor has the experience and resources to handle the due process for your siding project. 

How will you address unexpected issues?

It’s necessary to prepare for unforeseen contingencies rather than try and deal with them when they happen. Ask the contractor if they have a plan for unexpected issues or snags that may arise during the project. A reliable contractor should have a plan for addressing and resolving any challenges.

Can you provide a written contract?

When it’s on paper or email, it cannot be disputed or denied. Always request a written contract that outlines all project details, including materials, costs, timelines, and warranties. A clear contract protects both you and the contractor.

Are You Familiar with Local Building Codes?

Siding projects must often adhere to local building codes and regulations. Check with the contractor if they’re conversant with the rules and mandates applicable in your area. A knowledgeable contractor should be well-versed in these requirements to ensure proper compliance and uninterrupted work on your property. 

How will you protect my property?

Home improvement projects, if handled inefficiently, may end up causing damage to the property. Ask about the safety measures the contractor will take to protect your property during the siding installation, including landscaping, neighboring structures, and your exterior home siding.

What’s your cleanup process?

A siding replacement or installation will enhance the appearance and integrity of your home, but it will also generate quite a bit of mess and debris along the way. Discuss how the contractor plans to clean up the worksite after the project is complete. A tidy cleanup will get your property looking its best after the siding installation.

Hynes Construction – Your trusted siding contractor

The above recommended questions will go a long way in ensuring you choose a siding contractor who’s just right for your needs and home. If you’re looking for a contractor whose answers to any or all of these questions will leave you confident and impressed, reach out to us at Hynes Construction. As a leading siding contractor serving the Main Line and communities beyond, we take pride in our work and aim for complete customer satisfaction on every project that we take up. Contact us today at – 610-880-3890 to discuss your siding needs and schedule a consultation. At Hynes, we look forward to the opportunity to elevate your exterior house siding while also introducing you to the Hynes way of excellent workmanship.