Hydration Hacks: How to Take Care of Hair After Smoothening

Explore effective hydration hacks and recommended products to nurture and maintain your hair's smoothness post-smoothening. Learn how to prevent dryness and keep your hair looking vibrant and healthy.

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Hydration Hacks: How to Take Care of Hair After Smoothening

Smoothening treatments can leave your hair looking sleek and frizz-free, but they also require special care to maintain their health and vibrancy. Proper hydration is key to keeping smoothened hair smooth, shiny, and manageable. In this guide, we'll explore effective hydration hacks and essential tips for post-smoothening hair care.

Understanding Smoothening Treatment Effects

Before diving into hydration hacks, it's important to understand how smoothening treatments affect your hair. These treatments, whether chemical or keratin-based, work by altering the hair's structure to reduce frizz and enhance smoothness. While they can deliver stunning results, they may also affect hair's moisture balance and resilience.

Hair Care Routine

A good hair care routine is essential for maintaining healthy, shiny hair. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you establish a beneficial routine:

1. Shampooing:

  • Use a sulfate-free shampoo suitable for your hair type (dry, oily, curly, etc.).

  • Massage the shampoo into your scalp to remove dirt and oil buildup.

  • Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

2. Conditioning:

  • Apply a conditioner from mid-length to the ends of your hair.

  • Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing with cool water to seal the cuticles and add shine.

3. Deep Conditioning:

  • Use a deep conditioning treatment once a week to nourish and repair your hair.

  • Apply the treatment generously, focusing on the ends.

  • Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

4. Detangling:

  • Use a wide-tooth comb or a detangling brush to gently remove knots and tangles, starting from the ends and working your way up.

5. Drying:

  • Pat your hair dry with a soft towel to absorb excess water.

  • Avoid rubbing vigorously, as it can cause breakage.

  • If using heat styling tools, apply a heat protectant spray first and use the lowest heat setting possible.

6. Styling:

  • Choose styling products (gel, mousse, serum) that suit your hair type and desired look.

  • Apply sparingly to avoid weighing down your hair.

7. Maintenance:

  • Schedule regular trims every 6-8 weeks to prevent split ends and maintain your hairstyle.

  • Protect your hair from environmental damage by wearing hats or using products with UV filters.

Hair Care Products

Choosing the right hair care products is crucial for achieving your desired results. Here are some categories of essential hair care products:

1. Shampoo and Conditioner:

  • Look for products formulated for your hair type (dry, oily, colored, etc.).

  • Consider sulfate-free options to prevent stripping natural oils.

2. Deep Conditioning Treatment:

  • Use weekly to hydrate and repair damaged hair.

3. Leave-In Conditioner:

  • Provides additional hydration and helps detangle hair.

4. Hair Oil or Serum:

  • Adds shine and moisture to dry or frizzy hair.

5. Heat Protectant Spray:

  • Essential when using heat styling tools to prevent damage.

6. Styling Products:

  • Choose according to your styling needs (volume, hold, texture).

Best Hair Care Products

Finding the best hair care products can be a personal journey based on your hair type and concerns. Here are some top-rated products across different categories:

1. Best Shampoo and Conditioner:

  • Example: "MoroccanOil Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner" - Known for hydrating and nourishing dry hair.

2. Best Deep Conditioning Treatment:

  • Example: "Olaplex Hair Perfector No. 3" - Repairs and strengthens damaged hair.

3. Best Leave-In Conditioner:

  • Example: "It's a 10 Miracle Leave-In Product" - Detangles, adds shine, and protects against heat damage.

4. Best Hair Oil or Serum:

  • Example: "Argan Oil of Morocco by OGX" - Lightweight and adds shine without weighing hair down.

5. Best Heat Protectant Spray:

  • Example: "Tresemmé Thermal Creations Heat Tamer Spray" - Protects hair up to 450°F and reduces frizz.

6. Best Styling Products:

  • Example: "Living Proof Full Thickening Mousse" - Adds volume and body without stiffness.

1. Choose the Right Shampoo and Conditioner

After smoothening, opt for sulfate-free and hydrating shampoos and conditioners. Sulfates can strip the hair of natural oils, leading to dryness and frizz. Look for products specifically designed for chemically treated hair or those containing moisturizing ingredients like argan oil, shea butter, or keratin.

2. Limit Washing Frequency

To maintain your hair's natural oils and moisture balance, avoid washing it too frequently. Aim to wash your hair no more than 2-3 times a week. Over-washing can strip away essential oils, making your hair look dull and dry.

3. Use Lukewarm Water

When washing your hair, use lukewarm water instead of hot water. Hot water can open the hair cuticles, making your hair prone to frizz and moisture loss. Lukewarm water helps keep the hair cuticles flat, maintaining smoothness and shine.

4. Incorporate Deep Conditioning Treatments

Regular deep conditioning treatments are essential for keeping smoothened hair hydrated and healthy. Opt for deep conditioners that contain moisturizing ingredients such as coconut oil, olive oil, or hyaluronic acid. Apply the conditioner from mid-length to the ends of your hair and leave it on for at least 10-15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

5. Apply Leave-In Conditioners

Leave-in conditioners provide an extra layer of hydration and protection for smoothened hair. Choose lightweight formulas that won't weigh your hair down. Apply a small amount evenly throughout damp hair, focusing on the ends. Leave-in conditioners help detangle hair, reduce frizz, and enhance shine.

6. Embrace Hair Oils

Hair oils are great for adding moisture and nourishment to smoothened hair. Opt for lightweight oils such as argan oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil. Apply a few drops to the palms of your hands and gently work through damp or dry hair, focusing on the ends. Oils help seal moisture into the hair shaft, leaving it smooth and shiny.

7. Protect Your Hair from Heat

Excessive heat styling can damage smoothened hair and lead to dryness and breakage. Whenever possible, air-dry your hair or use heat styling tools on the lowest heat setting. Apply a heat protectant spray or serum before using any heat styling tools to minimize damage and maintain hair's smooth texture.

8. Avoid Over-Brushing

Over-brushing can cause friction and lead to frizz and breakage, especially for smoothened hair. Use a wide-tooth comb or a brush with soft bristles to gently detangle your hair. Start from the ends and work your way up to minimize damage and breakage.

9. Protect Your Hair from Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as sun exposure, humidity, and pollution can affect the health and appearance of smoothened hair. Wear a hat or scarf when spending extended periods in the sun, and consider using products with UV filters or antioxidants to protect your hair from environmental damage.

10. Schedule Regular Trims

Regular trims are essential for maintaining the shape and health of smoothened hair. Schedule a trim every 6-8 weeks to remove split ends and prevent them from traveling up the hair shaft. Trimming helps keep your hair looking healthy, smooth, and frizz-free.


Taking care of smoothened hair involves a combination of hydration hacks and mindful practices. By choosing the right products, incorporating hydrating treatments, protecting your hair from heat and environmental factors, and scheduling regular trims, you can maintain the smoothness, shine, and health of your hair post-smoothening treatment. Experiment with these hydration hacks to find what works best for your hair type and enjoy the sleek and manageable results of your smoothening treatment for longer.