How to teach a child respect and discipline pdf
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How to teach a child respect and discipline pdf
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Discipline deals with Positive discipline: Teaches children responsibility, self-discipline, problem-solving skills and cooperation. It should not make a child feel like a bad or worthless person. Discipline deals with a child's actions. If you say Teachers think that discipline helps children learn from experience. Positive discipline has four components) identifying your long-term childrearing goals; 2) providing warmth and structure; 3) understanding how children think and feel; and 4) problem-solving TIPCREATE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT. This book shows parents how they can teach their children while Teach your children how you want them to act. TIPBE KIND BUT FIRM. Use praise, rewards, and modeling. This book shows parents how they can teach To teach respect for the rights of others, first teach your child about parents' rights. Then they can make better isions. Then they can make better isions. Children need parents who are in charge. Begin external controls bymonths of age • Take your child away from situations your child can’t handle. Be a positive role model. Discipline tells a child: what you do not want the child to do • Take your child away from situations your child can’t handle. If you expect to be treated with respect, treat your children with respect. For example, because of discipline a child speaks and acts honestly. TIPESTABLISH A ROUTINE. The child knows why being honest is a correct and wise thing to do Help your child learn how to calm down. TIPBUILD A POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR CHILD. Stay calm and respond to misbehaviour firmly but with respect and kindness Positive discipline is based on children’s rights to healthy development, protection from violence and participation in their learning. Say “yes” when you can and DISCIPLINE IS HOW PARENTS TEACH THEIR CHILDREN n Praise success and good tries. Children are watching and learning from you all the time. Positive discipline is based on children’s rights to healthy development, protection from violence and participation in their learning. Prepare your child for difficult situations. Model desired behavior and acknowledge your own Positive discipline is about teaching non-violence, empathy, self-respect, human rights and respect for others. Discipline is a way to correct and teach a child. Builds trust and Effective discipline requires three essential compo-nents) a positive, supportive, loving relationship between the parent(s) and child, 2) use of positive reinforcement strategies parent and caregiver struggles. n Listening is important; let your Parents, caregivers and teachers implementing the positive discipline methodology should be guided by four interdependent principles) identifying long-term educational goals; Teachers think that discipline helps children learn from experience. TIPHAVE CLEAR EXPECTATIONS FOR YOUR CHILD’S BEHAVIOUR. How is Positive Discipline practiced? The child knows how to be honest. Take time to talk to your children about why certain behaviors are wrong or unacceptable. Discipline is a way to correct and teach a child. Discipline helps children develop a value system. goal of positive discipline is teach children to develop safe, responsible Remember that there are three ways to disciplineencourage good behavIor. Responding to your child’s misbehavior Effective discipline requires three essential compo-nents) a positive, supportive, loving relationship between the parent(s) and child, 2) use of positive reinforcement strategies to increase desired behav-iors, and 3) removing reinforcement or applying punishment to reduce or eliminate undesired behav-iors Teach your children to do the right thing when the sun is shining, i.e., when they are doing the right thing. Prepare your child for difficult situations. Children learn the benefit of doing what is right. Model that behavior in your own life. TIPPLAN AHEAD. Help your child learn how to calm down. Give your child a chance to do it the right way. Say “yes” when you can and “no” when you need to. one time or another with how to limits on children’s behavior. To help shape behavior, pick out character traits to cultivate with evidence of success Discipline teaches children self-control. n Be clear and consistent about what you expect. Is respectful to both children and adults.