How Mobile eSignatures Serve Businesses in Being Sustainable – DrySign

Mobile e-signatures help a business maximize efficiency and productivity. Know about its advantages and challenges here

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The Philippines is dependent on the digital economy to sustain itself. It suffered shockwaves due to the sudden effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. But a strong government policy and support for medium and small-sized businesses make digital transformation inevitable for success.

The Internet has allowed businesses to engage customers seamlessly and overcome the aftermath of the pandemic. The large number of technologically adept users, public and private sector investments, and supportive government fiats will culminate in massive growth. As per Zhenhub, the Philippines has 85.16 million internet users. Among the users, nearly 98.5% of adult Filipinos own a mobile phone. Businesses that deliver a mobile-first experience will succeed in the region.

A Mobile-first Approach to Websites 

Mobile devices connect us to friends, jobs, and favorite sites. As smartphones become ubiquitous, a mobile-first design is critical for faster response times. The reliance on mobile devices for information and consumer decision-making makes a mobile-first design more critical.

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Benefits of Mobile-first Design 

  • Prioritize Page Content – Mobile-first design helps companies prioritize giving users the right information. It ensures that relevant information fits the screen without any characters being lost to the edge of the screen.
  • Intuitive Navigation – The navigation of pages is tested on mobile devices. Developers can test their websites on the maximum number of mobile phones, ensuring they cover all users. This provides incentives to users to visit the site frequently for any queries. Navigation can be improved with the help of faster navigation, lack of Ads, and fast loading times.
  • Better Performance – Mobile devices have space constraints and have no space for Ads. Mobile sites can provide information quickly by creating accelerated mobile pages (AMPs). It will be functional and help users navigate to the pages they require.

What are Electronic Signatures? 

Electronic signatures or eSignatures rely upon cryptographic techniques to electronically sign documents. Their foundation is rooted in public-key infrastructure (PKI), a combination of protocols, hardware, and software designed to manage digital certificates for utilization, oversight, retention, and distribution. This involves using a pair of public and private keys to establish the authenticity of an individual’s signature. Unlike aiming for confidentiality, the sender employs the private key to create the signature, while the recipient, armed with the public key, can verify the sender's identity. This approach thwarts counterfeiting through the reliance on the trust established between parties. For instance, the contents of a digital document remain valid only through validation using both private and public keys. This method ensures message security without the necessity of a shared secret key.

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Features of E-Signatures 

Electronic signatures offer several key features that are particularly convenient and functional on mobile phones:

  • Convenience on Mobile Devices – E-signatures are customized for mobile use, allowing you to sign documents directly from your smartphone, making the signing process quick and accessible even while on the go.
  • Biometric Authentication – Mobile phones often incorporate biometric features like fingerprint scanning or facial recognition, adding an extra layer of security to the e-signing process and ensuring that the signature is yours.
  • Cloud Integration– Mobile e-signature apps can integrate with cloud storage services, allowing you to access and sign documents directly from your cloud accounts, streamlining document management.
  • Offline Signing – Mobile eSignatures offer the ability to sign documents even when you're offline, which can be helpful in areas with limited or no internet connectivity.
  • Robust Security – Mobile e-signatures offer advanced security and employ multi-factor authentication to protect users from data loss. It helps in keeping malicious actors out and secure sensitive information.
  • Legally Binding – Just like signatures on paper, eSignatures are legally binding, provided they meet the requirements of applicable laws. Many e-signature solutions ensure compliance with legal standards, particularly when designed for mobile use.
  • Collaboration and Workflow – They often offer collaboration features, enabling you to send documents for signatures, track the signing progress, and complete the workflow—all from your mobile device.
  • Notifications – They can send notifications to keep you updated about the status of documents, ensuring you stay informed about the progress of your signed agreements.

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