Elevate Your Tech Career with HeyCoach's Super 30 Program!

HeyCoach Education, we specialize in delivering Live Coaching and Mentoring programs for working professionals, designed to pave your way to coveted positions at leading software companies, including MAANG.

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The tech landscape is buzzing with the news that MAANG has resumed hiring for SDE roles, and HeyCoach is your key to unlock these doors of opportunity. Our Super 30 program is an intensive 4-month journey that transforms ambitious engineers into the top candidates for giants like Google, Meta, and Apple.

With a curriculum designed for depth and practical application, our training covers everything from data structures and algorithms to system design, not to mention the soft skills needed for effective interviews and strategic negotiations. Our standout peak CTC of 69 LPA and an average of 27 LPA bear testament to the success of our candidates and the robustness of our program.

Beyond theories, we immerse you in real-world project development to apply your knowledge in the field. Our interactive LIVE classes are spearheaded by veterans from Facebook and Microsoft, offering you insights straight from the industry’s best.

Join HeyCoach – where your tech career aspirations turn into achievements.

Contact us today and start your journey towards tech excellence!