Creative uses for Key Tags

What kind of creative ways can you use key tags to help your business?

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Creative uses for Key Tags

Do you know what key tags are? If not, you are in for a surprise! They are versatile and handy promotional products that can be used in a variety of ways. They not only help us locate our keys easily, but also help us with storing them more efficiently, which is why most key cabinets come with a set of numbered key tags and corresponding hooks.


Use them as bookmarks to keep your place in the book.

They are the perfect size to use as a bookmark. They are small enough to not be intrusive, but large enough to easily find when you need them. Plus, they can be decorated with your company logo or slogan, making them a great way to promote your brand.


They can also be used as

  • A bottle opener.
  • A keychain.
  • A luggage tag.
  • A promotional item.
  • An ID tag.


The possibilities are endless! So, get creative and start using them in new and innovative ways. Your customers will love them! If you own a business, it can be a great way to promote your brand. You can give them out to customers and clients as a thank you for their patronage or use them as a marketing tool to attract new business.


Attach a tag to your gym membership card for easy access.

These versatile little pieces of plastic (or any other material for that matter) can also be used as a keychain or luggage tag. If you have a gym membership, consider attaching it to your card for easy access. This will save you time and hassle from fumbling through your purse or pockets for your card every time you want to work out. For gyms, it is a great way to promote their brand while also making it more convenient for members. This is a win-win!


They are an often overlooked but extremely versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. From promoting your brand to acting as a keychain or luggage tag, there are many ways to put these little things to good use.


Put a tag on your car keys for easy identification.

They are an excellent way for businesses with a fleet of vehicles to keep track of which keys belong to which vehicle. This is especially useful if you have employees who share vehicles or if you have multiple locations and need to keep track of which ones go where.


Key tags can also be a great way to identify your car keys if you have a large family or tend to lose them often. By keeping it on a tag, you will always know where they are and they will be much easier to find when you are looking for them. Another great use for them is as luggage tags. If you travel often, it can be helpful to put your contact information on it in case your luggage gets lost. This way, if your luggage is found, the person who finds it will be able to easily get in touch with you.


Blank key tags with customised printing or labelling can also be used for pets. If you have a pet, you can put their name and your contact information on it so that if they ever get lost, someone will be able to easily get in touch with you.


Finally, they can also be used for gifts. If you give someone a gift, you can put their name and your contact information on a tag so that they will always know who the gift is from. This is especially useful for gifts that are sent through the mail or delivered by courier.


Keep a few spare key tags in your wallet in case you lose your keys.

For those people who are constantly careless, these can be a lifesaver. If you keep a few spares in your wallet, then you will always have a way to get back into your house or car. Plus, it is always good to have a backup plan.


Sorting your keys is made extremely easy with numbered tags. You can either tie all of them together with one for each set, or you can put one on each one. This is helpful if you need to hand off a set of keys to someone else, such as a babysitter or housekeeper.


They are an often overlooked but incredibly useful tool. Whether you use them for organisational purposes, as a gift tag, or as a pet tag, they are sure to come in handy at some point in your life. So don't hesitate to pick up a few the next time you are at the store. You will be glad you did!


Use a tag as an ID badge when you are working from home.

Many companies use ID badges to help their employees quickly and easily identify one another. If you are working from home, you can create your ID badge using them! Simply put your name and photo on it, and voila, you have got yourself an ID badge.


This is especially helpful if you have clients or customers who come to your home office for meetings. Having an ID badge will help them feel more comfortable and confident that they are doing business with a professional. So, if you work from home, don't forget to pick up one or two to use as your very own DIY ID badge.


As you can see, there are many creative uses for tags, beyond just holding keys! Whether you are looking for a way to organise your life or promote your business, they are a versatile and affordable solution. So, the next time you are at the store, pick up a few and put them to good use!