Best Fistula Specialist in Pune- Kaizen Gastro Care

If you are looking for a fistula treatment or surgery in Pune, then Kaizen Gastro Care may be of great benefit to you. Kaizen Gastro Care” offers advanced comprehensive treatment & Management of fistula conditions. Our Expert, Dr. Samrat Jankar is one of the best Fistula Specialists in Pune, Maharashtra provides the best surgical treatment to the patients.

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Best Fistula Specialist in Pune- Kaizen Gastro Care

An anal fistula is a tunnel connecting the skin near the anus to the inside of the bowel (usually the rectum). This means that the inside of the bowel is connected to the outside of the body through an additional opening. A fistula is usually the result of an infection or abscess in the anus, and surgery is usually needed to remove it. If you are looking for a fistula treatment or surgery in Pune, then Kaizen Gastro Care may be of great benefit to you. Kaizen Gastro Care” offers advanced comprehensive treatment & Management of fistula conditions. Our Expert, Dr. Samart Jankar is one of the best Fistula Specialists in Pune, Maharashtra provides the best surgical treatment to the patients.

Fistula Specialist in Pune

Treatment to repair a painful opening in the anus.

Dr. Samrat Jankar is one of the most sought-after fistula specialists in Pune. He is an expert in all treatment modalities but has a special interest in minimally invasive surgeries and laser treatment. Dr. Samrat specializes in LIFT, an advanced procedure for complex fistula. Furthermore, he has been an international faculty member in this field. On this Page, Fistula Specialist Doctor Dr. Samart Jankar has shared information here about anal Fistula conditions, why they develop, the problems they can cause, and how they should treat by us.

Why you might need it?

An anal fistula usually forms after an infectious abscess in the area near the anus. When the infection has cleared, it can leave behind a fistula that needs to be repaired with surgery as it’s unlikely to get better on its own.

What symptoms does anal fistula surgery address?

An anal fistula usually causes the following symptoms:
  • Blood or pus discharge near the back passage
  • Constant discomfort in the anal area
  • Irritated, swollen, hot, and/or red skin around the anus
  • Discharge from the back passage
  • A high temperature (indicating an infection)
Anal fistula surgery aims to correct an anal fistula and treat all of its associated symptoms. If you have any of the above symptoms or you’re concerned about having an anal infection, abscess or fistula, speak with Kaizen fistula specialist Dr. Samart Jankar. 

Diagnosis of Fistula at Kaizen Gastro Care:

When you have symptoms of an anal fistula, you most likely won’t be aware of the cause. There may be several health concerns that cross your mind and cause you to be overwhelmed or anxious. Numerous treatment options for anal fistulas are available, but you’ll first want to visit a doctor to determine the exact source of your issue. A physical exam is the first step that will help reveal whether or not you have an anal fistula.

Anal Fistula Treatment at Kaizen Gastro Care, Pune:

Kaizen Gastro care Dr. Samrat Jankar fistula specialist in Pune has performed more than 500 fistula surgery every year including Complex fistulas and Recurrent fistulas. Also He performed Piles and Fissure surgeries. Kaizen Fistula Specialist Dr. Samart Jankar delivers expertise in LIFT, an advanced procedure for complex fistula. Furthermore, he has been an international faculty member in this field. He Said “Surgery is usually necessary to treat an anal fistula as they usually do not heal by themselves”.

Different Methods of Fistula Treatment at Kaizen Gastro Care:

At Kaizen Gastro Care our experts perform Fistula Surgery under different types of methods which include:

  • Fistulotomy: This is the most commonly performed fistula surgery to treat fistula. This type of surgery is suitable for simple fistulas that are below the sphincter. Dr. Samart Jankar Fistula Specialist in Pune will carefully place a surgical probe into the fistula. They will cut the skin and tissue above the fistula, then open up the fistula’s roof. They will clean and dress the fistula, leaving it open with no stitches. It will gradually heal from the base up, with healthy tissue.
  • LIFT procedure [Ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract]: LIFT is a two-stage treatment performed at Kaizen Gastro Care for more-complex or deep fistulas. Dr. Smart Jankar is renowned as a LIFT Procedure specialist in Pune for fistula treatment. Moreover, he is adept in LIFT, an advanced procedure for fistula treatment in Pune. LIFT allows access to the fistula between the sphincter muscles and avoids cutting them. A seton is first placed into the fistula tract, forcing it to widen over time. Several weeks later, Dr. Samart Jankar removes infected tissue and closes the internal fistula opening. Being a well-trained laparoscopic surgeon in Pune, to date, Dr. Jankar has performed more than 100 LIFT procedures and has executed many perianal fistula laser treatments.
  • FLAC technique (Fistula–Tract Laser Closure): It is a minimally invasive and sphincter-preserving technique used in treating anorectal fistula. Dr. Samart Jankar Fistula Specialist in Pune mostly uses the FILAC use for fistula surgical treatment. The affected tissue is destroyed and sealed using laser emission radially 360° in a controlled manner. Laser energy is delivered into the anal fistula tract which induces destruction of the fistula epithelium and simultaneous obliteration of the remaining fistula tract by a shrinkage effect. The epithelialized tissue is being destroyed in a controlled way and the fistula tract collapses to a very high degree. 
  • Advancement rectal flap: In this type of surgery, Dr. Samrat Jankar creates a flap from the rectal wall before removing the fistula’s internal opening. The flap is then used to cover the repair. This procedure can reduce the amount of sphincter muscle that is cut.
  • Collagen plug: Dr. Samrat Jankar clears the channel and stitches shut the internal opening. Special glue made from a fibrous protein (fibrin) is then injected through the fistula’s external opening. The anal fistula tract also can be sealed with a plug of collagen protein and then closed.

How to Prepare for fistula Surgery at Kaizen Gastro Care:

Before your treatment: Dr. Smarat Jankar will explain the entire procedure to you and the expected results. The Kaizen team will give you specific instructions on what to do and what not to do before the surgery. They will also conduct some pre-operative examinations.

Aftercare: Although most laser proctology surgeries are performed as outpatient procedures, certain patients may need an overnight hospital stay. The recovery period varies by patient, but they should return to normal activities in one or two days.

If you experience any of the mentioned signs and symptoms, plan a consultation with Dr. Samrat Jankar, our expert gastroenterologist. He will provide the best possible and most effective treatment for your condition.

What is the recovery care for Fistula Surgery?

After the performing surgery, Dr. Samrat Jankar & Kaizen’s expert team has suggested some precautionary care such:
  • If the pain is severe, then take the painkillers given by the doctor.
  • Carefully wash and dry the anal area after passing the stools.
  • Don’t sit or walk for long periods.
  • Avoid lifting weights.
  • Should eat fiber-rich food items.
  • Drink water to avoid dehydration.
  • Make follow-up appointments with the doctor to check the medical condition.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ):

Dr. Samart Jankar is one of the best fistula specialists in Pune. He is an expert in all treatment modalities but has a special interest in minimally invasive surgeries and laser treatment.

Kaizen Experts Videos:

Is it mandatory to do MRI in Fistula?
क्या भगंदर में MRI करना अनिवार्य है?
Why Fistula recure again and again?
भगंदर (फिस्टुला) बार-बार क्यों आता है?
What is Fistula?
भगंदर म्हणजे काय? लक्षणे आणि उपचार काय?
What is Complex Fistula in Ano?
कॉम्प्लेक्स फिस्टुला (भगंदर) क्या है?

Request a Call Back:

Dr. Vikrant Kale & Dr. Samrat Jankar at Kaizen Gastro Care team of highly specialized doctors offer trusted medical advice and expert private care for a wide range of digestive disorders, including Piles, Fissure and Fistula. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our acid reflux specialist in PCMC, Pune if you’re experiencing symptoms of Piles, Itching in Ano region. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best Gastroenterologist in Pune call  97 6363 5252