Balls On A Budget: 5 Tips From The Great Depression

The Great Depression, a severe worldwide economic downturn that lasted from 1929 until the late 1930s, was a period marked by extreme financial hardship. People had to get creative and resourceful to make ends meet. Surprisingly, many of the frugal strategies developed during this time are still applicable today. Here are five tips from the Great Depression that can help you host budget-friendly balls or parties without compromising on fun and elegance.

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The Great Depression, a severe worldwide economic downturn that lasted from 1929 until the late 1930s, was a period marked by extreme financial hardship. People had to get creative and resourceful to make ends meet. Surprisingly, many of the frugal strategies developed during this time are still applicable today. Here are five tips from the Great Depression that can help you host budget-friendly balls or parties without compromising on fun and elegance. Blunturi

1. Repurpose and Reuse

During the Great Depression, nothing went to waste. People became adept at repurposing items they already had. For your ball, consider using decorations and table settings that you can reuse or repurpose. Old mason jars can be transformed into elegant candle holders, and vintage linens can add a touch of class to your tables. Creativity in repurposing not only saves money but also adds a unique and personal touch to your event.

2. Homemade Delicacies

One of the best ways to cut costs is by making your own food. During the Depression, home-cooked meals were a necessity. Host a potluck-style ball where guests bring a dish to share. This not only reduces the financial burden on you but also creates a sense of community. If you prefer to provide the food yourself, focus on simple, hearty recipes that can feed many without breaking the bank, such as soups, stews, and casseroles.

3. Simple and Elegant Décor

Elegance doesn’t have to be expensive. In the 1930s, people often used simple, natural elements to decorate their homes. For your ball, consider using fresh flowers from your garden, branches, or even dried flowers to create beautiful centerpieces. String lights and candles can add a magical ambiance without a hefty price tag. Sometimes, less is more, and the charm of simplicity can create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

4. DIY Entertainment

Entertainment during the Great Depression was often homemade and centered around community activities. Think about incorporating some DIY entertainment options into your ball. You could set up a music playlist of nostalgic tunes and have a dance floor, organize games or contests, or even have a talent show where guests can showcase their skills. These activities can be incredibly engaging and fun, and they don’t require a large budget.

5. Borrow Instead of Buy

Before purchasing anything new for your event, consider borrowing from friends or family. This could include items such as extra chairs, tables, dishware, or even attire. During the Great Depression, community and family support were crucial, and borrowing was a common practice. Not only does this save money, but it also fosters a sense of togetherness and mutual support.


Hosting a memorable and enjoyable ball doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. By taking inspiration from the resourcefulness and ingenuity of those who lived through the Great Depression, you can create a beautiful event that emphasizes community, creativity, and simplicity. These timeless tips remind us that with a bit of ingenuity, we can celebrate and create joy, even on a budget.