Are E-signatures Worth it?

Branding is crucial to differentiate yourself from your peers. Here’s how an e-signature can make you a standout.

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If you've had to sign a contract in the last few years, chances are it's been via electronic signature. Industries such as human resources, legal, and finance have used electronic signatures for the last decade. Surprisingly, they are often only employed at the tail end of the sales process, after the deal is closed, to replace cumbersome paper contracts. But what if we told you that eSignatures can do more for your sales team? It's time to unlock the full potential of electronic signatures and propel your sales process into the future!

Gone are the days of drowning in paperwork and losing precious hours on administrative tasks. The future of sales is here, and it's digital, efficient, and oh-so-easy! Buckle up because we've got 9 reasons why you should use electronic signatures earlier in your sales cycle, not just for the final contract signing step.

  • Zap through Time-Wasting Tasks

Picture this – no more filing documents, reentering data, or searching for lost contracts. With electronic signatures, your sales force will be free from administrative tasks. That means more quality time spent with your customers, understanding their needs, and sealing the deal like a pro!

In fact, studies have shown that eSignatures can shrink your sales cycle up to a jaw-dropping 400%. Faster sales cycles mean more deals closed and bigger paychecks – Cha-ching!

  • Make Your Customers Do the Happy Dance

 Let's face it – nobody enjoys the tedious chore of signing mountains of paperwork. Your customers are no exception! Say goodbye to their frowns and hello to happy faces when you present them with the ease of electronic documents. They can complete transactions at the snap of their fingers without the hassle of printing, signing, scanning, and sending documents back to you. Smooth, right? 

  • Break Barriers to Conversion


 When it comes to closing deals, simplicity is your secret weapon. Traditional methods of signing contracts involve a ton of unnecessary steps. And nobody’s got time for that! But fear not because eSignatures make the process a breeze.

Customers are more likely to say "Yes!" when there are no extra hoops to jump through. It's like removing roadblocks on the path to success! 

Don’t Miss to Read: 

  • Escape the Dreaded "Black Hole" of Sales

Picture this nightmare – you send your carefully crafted sales document into the abyss and never hear back from the potential customer. It's like a sales black hole! Well, fear not!

You can shed light on this otherwise obscure process with electronic contracts and document tracking features. Know exactly how many times your document has been viewed and swoop in with a personalized message to save the day!

  • Rally the Decision-Makers

In B2B sales, there's often a whole squad of decision-makers involved in the purchasing process. Coordinating and managing them all can be a real challenge. But worry not because eSignatures have your back!

Identify the right players quickly – just check who spends the most time on your document or see who forwards it to the big shots. Decision-making dream team assembled!

  • Be the Master of Updates

The sales landscape is ever-changing, and prices or offerings can shift quickly. The last thing you need is to be stuck with outdated contracts. Fear not! With electronic proposals, you can update documents on the fly. Stay on top of your game and impress your buyers with lightning-fast updates.

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  • Go Global, Team!

Say goodbye to geographical limitations. With electronic signatures, you can send proposals to any company worldwide without the hassle of postage, addresses, or time zones.

Plus, you'll be speaking the language of "digital natives" – the tech-savvy generation who loves all things digital.

  • Embrace the Mobile Revolution

Mobile devices rule the world, and your customers are no exception. A seamless mobile signing experience could be the secret to closing that elusive deal. Let your customers sign documents on the go, and your sales force can track progress from anywhere – talk about a sales superpower!

  • Elevate Employee Experience

Your sales team is a force to be reckoned with, but bogging them down with paperwork can dampen their spirits. Enter electronic signatures – the hero that saves your team from paperwork woes! Studies show that using eSignatures can improve employee experience and reduce turnover.

Happy salespeople mean happy customers and happy customers mean more deals closed. It's a win-win!

Read More Information about “9 Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Sales with Electronic Signatures” :


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