Spine conditioning pdf

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Spine conditioning pdf

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Following a well-structured conditioning program will also help you return to sports and other recreational activities. Hold for seconds. hin or ankle. RepeattimesDynamic Hamstring Stretch. Repeat _____ times each side. Hang your other leg over the edge, relaxed. The exercises attached are general guidelines AAOS Conditioning Exercises. Balance on Elbows Length of rogram: This spine conditioning program should be continued fortoweeks, unless otherwise specified by your do tor or physical therapist. Rationale: Core control with movement. Bend your knee back until a A PDF document that provides instructions and illustrations for strengthening and stretching exercises for the lumbar spine. After your recovery, Lumbar Spine – Back Care Home Exercise Program. forseconds and then relax Spine Conditioning ProgramOrthoInfoAAOS Spine Rehabilitation ExercisesOrthoInfoAAOS 1/ 2 Prop the back of your heel up on a table, keep your back straight, and lean forward at the hips. Hold. Hold _____ seconds. The exercises target different muscle groups and areas Frequencymax a day. Repeat x each side Hip flexor stretch: Lying on your back near the edge of the bed, bend one leg with your foot flat on the bed. Reach your hands toward your toes and hold forsecoSlowly round your spine and bring your hands to yo. Bend your knee back until a stretch is felt in the front of your thigh. RepeattimesDynamic Hamstring Stretch. Reach your hands toward your toes and hold forsecoSlowly round your spine and bring your hands to Prop the back of your heel up on a table, keep your back straight, and lean forward at the hips. Hang your other leg over the edge, relaxed. Tip Look down on the floor to keep your neck in alignment with your spine knee as possible. Lie on Spine Rehabilitation ExercisesOrthoInfoAAOS Hip flexor stretch: Lying on your back near the edge of the bed, bend one leg with your foot flat on the bed. Exercise is important to regain or maintain flexibility and strength of the muscles which support your back to help prevent • Performing exercises to increase core strength and add stability to spine As with all exercises, some soreness is expected. ack straight and bend from your hips toward the foot of y. straight leg. Hold for seconds. CORE STRE HGNTHENING EXERCISES Prone Plank Find Pelvic Neutral. These exercise handouts were created specifically from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and provide detailed instructions for ack straight and bend from your hips toward the foot of y. Hold forseconds. This is a general conditioning program that provides a wide range of exercises Rock forward onto your arms, round your shoulders and allow your lower back to drop toward the floor. Rock backward and sit your buttocks as close to your heels as possible. Bring your head down as close to y. straight leg. Extend your arms and hold forseconds. Stabilization exercises After an injury or surgery, an exercise conditioning program will help you return to daily activities and enjoy a more active, healthy lifestyle. Lie on your back, reach hands behind your knee, keep knee atdegree angle, and kick up until you feel stretch.