Questions tags exercices avec correction pdf
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Questions tags exercices avec correction pdf
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have you? Si le verbe principal n’est pas be et qu’il n’y a ni auxiliaire ni verbe modal dans l’énoncé, on QUESTION TAGS exercisesComplete these sentences with a question tag. Question tags for ESL. Question tags positive and negative forms exercises ExerciseAnswer key Samantha doesn't like cats very much, does she? He'd arrived home just before you got up, hadn't he? Si le verbe principal n’est pas be et qu’il n’y a ni auxiliaire ni verbe modal dans l’énoncé, on utilise l’auxiliaire do (conjugué au temps qui correspond) dans le question tag.|Lorsque l’énoncé de la phrase affirmative est positif, on utilise un question tag négatif ExerciseAnswer key Your younger sister is quite tall, isn't she? Exercices Complète les phrases avec des question tagsYou want to go on holiday,? Exercise!1:!2–!didthey,!3!–!wouldn’t!you,!4!–!haven’t!I,!5!–!shall!we,!6!–!could!it,!7!–!didn’t!they,!8!–! Exercices Complète les phrases avec des question tagsYou want to go on holiday,? haven’t you?) that follows a statementNormally we use a positive question tag with a negative sentence: And normally we TensesPrintable PDF Worksheets for English Language LearnersIntermediate Level (B1) Question Tags (B1)PDF Worksheets English Practice Downloadable PDF Question tags: worksheets, handouts, printable exercises pdf. Bacs Ressources Nouveau. Question tags PDF exerciseMake questions tags. Yes, but not very wellThese flowers are nice,? Pour les phrases à l'impératif, on utilise un tag positif avec will: Open the door, will you? Question tags PDF exerciseCorrect mistakes. You'd like to stay with us next week, wouldn't you? You'd like to stay with us next week, wouldn't you? PDF exercises to download for free. → Ouvre la porte, veux-tu? → N'entre pas, d'accord? Yes, of course I ExerciseAnswer key Your younger sister is quite tall, isn't she? Question TagsIndex Cours Exercices Tests Lectures CAPES/Agrég. KEY! QUESTION!TAGS!!! Don't come in, will you? He'd arrived home just before you got up, hadn't he? Question tags PDF exerciseComplete the dialogue. Online exercises with answers: Question tags exerciseComplete sentences with question tags. a)It is a beautiful day,? Répondez aux The other exception is the verb _____ – we use that for the question tag if it appears in the main part of the sentenceIf the main part of the sentence contains a different verb, Try an exercise about making question tags hereit's interactive and free or you can print the quiz in PDF. Login Contact Courses Membership Speaking Explanations Exercises A tag question is a short question (e.g. ExerciseAnswer key Samantha doesn't like cats very much, does she? Question tags exerciseComplete the conversation with question tags Avec le verbe be à la première personne du singulier, le tag négatif se forme avec are et non pas am: I am tanned, arent't I? → Je suis bronzée, non? Question Tags: un exercice, an exercise.