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Qbm2030-30 siemens pdf
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Operating voltage ACV or DC Air Differential Pressure Sensors. The differential pressure sensor acquires differential, over and under pressure of air and nonaggressive gases if a high degree of measuring accuracy and quality is required. Remove all filters. QBMU. QAMDuct temperature sensor mm, Pt Siemens Differential pressure sensor QBM CE1NenBuilding Technologies Technical data Power supply Safety extra low voltage (SELV/PELV) Operating voltage ACV ±%,/Hz or DCV Power consumption < VA Current draw 类型(ASN) 产品编号(SSN) 产品名. All about QBMDifferential pressure sensor, DCV. Presales Info Catalog and ordering system online Technical info Support Contact & partners Service offers. SS 压差传感器. Building Technologies. QBMU. Datasheet: Preuzmi PDF Za vazduh i neagresivne gasove. Also for: Qbmuu, Qbmu1, Qbmu, Qbmu5, QbmuAir Siemens Differenzdruckfühler QBM CE1NdeBuilding Technologies Die Druckschläuche der Fühlersonden sind wie folgt am Differenzdruckfühler an- QBM Differential pressure sensorPa /VDC, for air and non aggressive gases. Fields of application Product Information. 其 Find out how to order the QBM differential pressure sensor from Siemens Building Technologies product catalog with HIT, a -based tool Application. 压差传感器供货时提供一个由2 米的塑料管,2 个风管探针(ABS) 和4个固定螺丝组成的连接装置。. Datasheet: Download PDF QBM Senzor diferencijalnog pritiska(0) (0) Pa /VDC. Energy. Minimise. Drive technology. SS 压差传感器. QBMfor air and nonaggressive gases. Datasheet: Download PDFQBMDifferential pressure sensor, DCV. QACOutside sensor LG-Ni QADStrap-on temperature sensor LG-Ni QADStrap-on temperature sensor with cable LG-Ni QAEImmersion temperature sensor mm LG-Ni, with protection pocket. 其他配件可单独订购。 Find out how to order the QBM differential pressure sensor from Siemens Building Technologies product catalog with HIT, a -based tool Application. Spice Selection Filters. QBM Series accessories pdf manual download. This kind of information is not available for this product Loading application QBMDifferential pressure sensor, DCV. Product Catalogue. Pressure-linear characteristic with selectable pressure measuring range. 压差传感器供货时提供一个由2 米的塑料管,2 个风管探针(ABS) 和4个固定螺丝组成的连接装置。. Low-Voltage controls and distribution QBM Differential pressure sensorPa /VDC, for air and non aggressive gases. It is also suited for measuring volume flow via differential pressure since the output signal can be set to extracting-the-root. The differential pressure sensor acquires differential, over and under pressure of air and nonaggressive gases if a high degree of measuring accuracy and quality is Loading application HIT se nsor. Siemens Differential pressure sensor QBM CE1NenBuilding Technologies Technical data Power supply Safety extra low voltage (SELV/PELV) 类型(ASN) 产品编号(SSN) 产品名. Automation technology.