Pdf xchange editor stempel größe reduzieren

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Pdf xchange editor stempel größe reduzieren

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ein klick auf ok und der stempel auf unserer leeren seite wird verkleinert. this is exclusive to pdf- xchange standard, included in the pdf- xchange pro bundle. ( it should have been moved to the desktop at step seven of the process - see steps for adding dynamic elements to stamps, above). save the file and close pdf- xchange editor plus. the first method is to adjust the compression settings: 1. click rename to rename selected stamps. click devices and printers. click to select stamps, then click to add them to documents. save the file and close pdf- xchange editor. jetzt können wir einen neuen wert für die breite und höhe des stempel angeben, zum beispiel halbieren wir die alten werte. move to the control panel. click the folder icon ( 1) to the right of the “ name” field and open the previously created pdf with your stamp. open pdf- xchange editor and create a new document. right- click pdf- xchange standard and select printing. place the stamp in the new document and select it. use the icons in the stamps palette to perform the following operations: use the zoom in/ zoom pdf xchange editor stempel größe reduzieren out buttons to adjust the zoom level. im menü wählen wir selektion, größe ändern. choose if you like to import all pages or just a reduzieren single page ( 2) give the stamp a meaningful name under title ( 3) then click on “ new” ( 4) to create a new stamp palette, for example “ my stamps”, and confirm by clicking ok. return the stamp to its destination folder. stamps are used to give documents specific designations, as detailed in ( figure 2). there are two methods that can be used to reduce the file size in pdf- xchange standard. open pdf- xchange editor plus and create a new document.