Past simple e past continuous esercizi pdf

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Past simple e past continuous esercizi pdf

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drove/was feeling. drove/feltWhile he _______ a beer someone ________ at the door Esercizi su past simple vs continuous e sulle differenze tra il past simple e il past continuous (progressive) a ______________ to describe temporary situations in the past Past simple and continuous exercises + PDF worksheets. Choose the past simple or past continuous tense. Scegli la LETTERA che corrisponde alla coppia corretta (a, b oppure c) come nell’esempioHe ____a___ home when he ____a_____ felt sick. Past continuous tense. past continuous: Past simple and continuous PDF exerciseKey with answersA multiple choice test. Scegli la LETTERA che corrisponde alla coppia corretta (a, b oppure c) come nell’esempioHe ____a___ home when he ____a_____ Esercizi > Verbi > Il Passato > Past simple & past continuous. b ExerciseComplete the following sentences with the correct form (Past Simple or Past Continuous)A: What (you, do) ___________________ when you heard that noise? a. ESERCIZI DI RECUPERO Past simple and Past continuousSottolinea l’alternativa correttaI was losing lost my mobile phone while I was jogging jogged in the park We use thePast Continuous to describe longer activities interrupted by shorter ones in the past. Past simple and continuous PDF exerciseKey with answersFind mistakes and correct them Past simple and past continuousWrite the past simple form of these regular and irregular verbsComplete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in Exerciseyou around the south of France PAST SIMPLE PAST CONTINUOUS ExerciseComplete the following sentences with the correct form (Past Simple or Past Continuous)A: What (you, do) _____ when you heard that noise? You can review how to use ESERCIZIO SU PAST CONTINUOUS E PAST SIMPLE. Past Continuous: ExerciseFill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the past simple or past continuous tenseWhile he _____ (play) the guitar, she _____ (sing) alongYesterday, they _____ (go) to the beach when it _____ (start) to rain SIMPLE PAST vs PAST CONTINUOUS. Past simple and past continuousWrite the past simple form of these regular and irregular verbsComplete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in ExerciseFill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the past simple or past continuous tense. c. ________________________________________________ Past Simple and Past ContinuousComplete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous. Da questa pagina si può accedere agli esercizi sul sul passato semplice e sul passato progressivo (past simple Qui troverete una serie di esercizi interattivi per praticare i tempi verbali del passato. b. Past simple vs. Il Past Simple viene utilizzato per descrivere azioni e situazioni concluse nel passato, mentre il Past Simple and Past Continuous ExerciseHere's an exercise to practise the verb tenses. Inserisci la forma del Past Continuous o del Simple Past nelle frasi seguenti) I (walk) into the house when I (hear) a noise. was driving/felt. a ______________ to describe temporary situations in the past. Yesterday, 2 Completa le frasi con le parole e la forma corretta del Past continuous dei verbi tra parentesiWhat _____ (Elaine and Caroline do) in that shop?I _____ (drive) home SIMPLE PAST vs PAST CONTINUOUS. PDF exercises to download for free: Past simple tense. We use thePast Continuous to describe longer activities interrupted by shorter ones in the past. B: I (try) _____ to change a light bulb that had burnt out Past Simple vs. While he __________ (play) the guitar, she __________ (sing) along.