O lord make thy servant elizabeth pdf
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O lord make thy servant elizabeth pdf
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Give (her her/him his) heart's desire, and deny not the request of O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth William Byrd () Soprano AltoAltoTenorTenorBass Organ (optional) O Psalm, vv&(adapted) Lord, make thy ser vant -E li -za bethour Queen, O Lord, make thy ser vant -E li -zabethour Queen, to O Lord, make thy ser vant -E li -zabethour Queen, O Lord, make thy ser vant O Lord, make thy servant [Elizabeth our Queen]* to rejoice in thy strength: give her her heart's desire, and deny not the request of her lips; but prevent her with thine everlasting blessing O Lord, make thy ser vant E li za beth our queen to O Lord, make thy ser vant E li za beth our queen to re joice in thy strength; give her her heart's de - William Byrd O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth ¡ ¢ Alto Tenor Tenor Baritone Baritone Bass & b O œ Lord, œ ˛ make œ thy ˇ ser œ vant ˇE ˇ li ˇza beth O Lord, make thy ser vant -E li -za bethour O Lord make thy servant E li -zabethour queen, O Lord make thy ser vant -E li -zabethour queen, O Lord make thy ser vant -E li -za bethourA. T. T. Bar. Bar. B. queen to re joice -in thy strength; give her her heart's dequeen, to re joice -in thy strength, to re joice -in thy O Lord, make thy ser vant, -E li -zabethour Queen, our Queen, to O Lord, make thy ser vant -E li -za bethour Queen, to re joice -inin thy strength; give her her heart's de sire,and de nynotthe re questof her strength, in thy strength in thy strength give her her heart's and de nynot there questofher re joice -in Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of O Lord, make Thy servant ElizabethWilliam Byrd for O Lord, Make Thy Servant Elizabeth by William Byrd arranged by John__Smith for Piano, Soprano, Bass voice (Mixed Quartet) V V?############S œ s œœ œ œ of her œ œ. O Lord, make thy ser vant E li za beth our queen to O Lord, make thy ser vant E li za beth our queen to re joice in thy strength; give her her heart's de -Tags O Lord, make thy ser vant -E li -za bethour O Lord make thy servant E li -zabethour queen, O Lord make thy ser vant -E li -zabethour queen, O Lord make thy ser V V?############S œ s œœ œ œ of her œ œ. But prevent him with thine everlasting ByrdO Lord, make thy servant ElizabethFree download as PDF File.pdf) or view presentation slides online Its text comes from Psalm, but has been customized to address Elizabeth by name. s œ s œœs deny not the reœ œ œ œ quest of her lips, T1&2 ˙ œ œ give her her ∑ œ œ œ œ Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of O Lord, make Thy servant ElizabethWilliam Byrd for O Lord, Make Thy Servant Elizabeth by William Byrd thy O Lord, make thy ser vant, -E li -zabethour Queen, our Queen, to O Lord, make thy ser vant -E li -za bethour Queen, to re joice -inin thy strength; give her her heart's O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth our Queen to rejoice in thy strength. Give him his heart’s desire: and deny not the request of his lips. s œ s œœs deny not the reœ œ œ œ quest of her lips, T1&2 ˙ œ œ give her her ∑ œ œ œ œ Give her her heart’s desire and deny not the request of her lips; but prevent her with thine everlasting O Lord, make thy Servant Charles our King: to rejoice in thy Strength. Following the queen’s death in, the words of the anthem had to be changed to O Lord, make thy servant, (Elizabeth our Queen/our sov'reign lord, the King), to rejoice in thy strength.