Nervovive Reviews {Official Website} Works & Intakes Experiences, Ingredients, Order Now

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Nervovive Reviews {Official Website} Nervovive is an innovative supplemnt that supports not only your nervous system but also your blod sugaar levels. This dual-action strategy distinguishes it as a one-of-a-kind remedy for people suffering from neuropathy and diabetiic nerve pain.

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Nervovive is a nutritional supplement marketed primarily to diabetics with neuropathy.By taking two capsules of Nervovive daily, you can purportedly relieve short-term and long-term neuropathy while decreasing the risk of lifelong pain, amputations, and paralysis.Is Nervovive legit? How does Nervovive work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Nervovive and how it works today in our review.

What is Nervovive?

Nervovive is a neuropathy supplement available exclusively through

Priced at $69 per bottle, Nervovive uses a blend of natural ingredients to target and relieve neuropathy.

According to the official Nervovive website, the Nervovive method “has been repeatedly proven to work, regardless of your age or the severity of your disease.” Whether you’ve dealt with diabetes for decades or just recently started to experience symptoms of neuropathy, you could purportedly experience rapid relief with Nervovive.

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Despite being a relatively new supplement, Nervovive has already been used by “47,800 people” around the world to solve neuropathy and other diabetes-related symptoms.

Nervovive is backed by a 180-day moneyback guarantee. You have six full months to try Nervovive, decide if you like it, and request a complete refund if you’re unhappy.

Nervovive Benefits

Some of the benefits of Nervovive include:

A blend of natural, science-backed ingredients

Support healthy blood sugar

Manage neuropathy

Support pain relief

Developed by an award-winning neurology researcher and medicinal chemist with 25+ years of experience

Backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee

How Does Nervovive Work?

Nervovive is based on something called the “da Vinci Nerve Decompression Method.”

As you may have guessed from the name, the da Vinci Nerve Decompression Method was developed by Leonardo da Vinci as a natural remedy for nerve pain.

Hundreds of years ago, Leonardo da Vinci discovered the root cause of neuropathy and nerve pain. Today, the creator of Nervovive identified a series of natural ingredients that work similarly to the da Vinci Nerve Decompression Method – but without requiring you to undergo treatment at a clinic. Instead, you take two capsules of Nervovive daily.

The goal of Nervovive is to target two areas of health and wellness, including:

Targeted Effect #1: Help your body absorb nutrients to manage neuropathy.

Targeted Effect #2: Naturally support normal blood sugar levels.

When you have diabetes, your blood sugar levels are higher than average. Your body doesn’t produce the insulin needed to absorb sugar in your blood.

Some people with neuropathy also have the condition because of a nutrient deficiency. If your body isn’t getting the nutrients you need through your diet, you could have an increased risk of neuropathy and other health conditions.

Who Created Nervovive? About Harrison Shaw & Dr. Mason

Nervovive was created by a type 2 diabetic named Harrison Shaw, who worked with an award-winning neurology researcher named Dr. Mason.

Harrison used to suffer from severe, chronic neuropathy from his type 2 diabetes – until rapidly resolving the issue with an early version of Nervovive.

Harrison’s neuropathy was so bad that he struggled to walk around his house without a cane – only to clear his condition within weeks with Nervovive.

Harrison used his experience as a medicinal chemist to develop Nervovive. He has spent the last 25 years working at “one of the biggest US universities,” and he used his background in medicinal chemistry to help formulate Nervovive.

During his career, Harrison specifically worked on treating type 2 diabetes. He claims that treatment delivered “amazing results” and is “now very famous among Hollywood stars” for its effects on type 2 diabetes.

Harrison was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes six years ago. He treated his condition with medication, diet changes, and lifestyle changes. However, four years into his condition, he was diagnosed with serious neuropathy. Doctors prescribed more pills.

To make a long story short, Harrison started researching natural remedies for neuropathy, eventually discovering the ingredients behind Nervovive with help from Dr. Mason.

After successfully treating his neuropathy with an early version of Nervovive, Harrison decided to share it with the world to help other diabetics enjoy permanent relief.

Nervovive Ingredients

Nervovive contains a blend of science-backed ingredients linked to nerve pain relief, neuropathy relief, blood flow, blood sugar balance, and other effects.

Dr. Mason and Harrison Ward, who created Nervovive, claim to have identified these ingredients after many sleepless nights and gallons of coffee.

Here are all of the active ingredients in Nervovive and how they work, according to the manufacturer:


Passionflower is the most significant ingredient in Nervovive, with around 290mg of passionflower extract per serving. Formally known as Passiflora incarnata, passionflower has been prized for centuries for its natural effects on relaxation, calmness, and stress relief. Nervovive claims to contain a particular version of Amazonian passionflower linked to rapid pain relief. You can “say goodbye to pain for good” almost as soon as Passionflower enters your system.

Marshmallow Root:

Marshmallow root is found in many nerve pain remedies. Like other ingredients in Nervovive, it’s also been used for centuries in nerve pain relief supplements. According to Harrison and his team, marshmallow roots help to protect the lining of your stomach and the lining of your foramen magnum, promoting relief from the inside out. It also helps nerves connect to your brain more efficiently, supporting rapid pain relief.


Corydalis is a plant known for its analgesic, or pain relieving, properties. By taking corydalis daily, you can purportedly relieve nerve pain. The plant has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine as a natural pain relief aid. It continues to be popular in nerve pain supplements and other formulas.

Prickly Pear:

Nervovive doesn’t just contain ordinary prickly pear; the formula contains Italian prickly pear. Harrison claims his team tested more than 30 varieties of prickly pear to verify it worked better than the rest. Prickly pear breaks the crystals surrounding your foramen magnum – including the sugar crystals causing you to experience nerve pain. By clearing away these sugar crystals, you can eliminate the root cause of nerve pain.

California Poppy Seed:

California poppy works similarly to corydalis, exhibiting natural pain-relieving properties. Harrison describes it as “nature’s best painkiller” because of its powerful effects on nerve pain. California poppy seed contains natural molecules with sedative-like effects on the nervous system, helping you feel significant pain relief from the inside out.

Nervovive Targets a “Hole in Our Skull” Called the Foramen Magnum

Leonardo da Vinci died before he could cure his nerve pain. However, he believed the root cause of nerve pain was linked to the skull.

Today, we know da Vinci was close to the truth: all nerves in the body go through the foramen magnum, a tunnel at the base of the skull. That tunnel is lined by the foramen muscle lining, which protects all of the nerves in your body as they travel to the brain.

Centuries after da Vinci died, Harrison continued to research the foramen magnum. He believed it was critical for permanently relieving nerve pain, so he started researching natural ingredients to target nerves in that area.

Harrison Ward and Dr. Mason built off da Vinci’s research, identifying a blend of natural ingredients to target the foramen magnum and promote relief from the inside out.

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Harrison Ward Partners with Award-Winning Neurology Researcher Dr. Mason

Harrison Ward is attributed to being the creator of Nervovive. However, the actual creator of the formula appears to be a doctor named Dr. Mason, who told Harrison to take a specific blend of ingredients for his neuropathy.

Harrison describes Dr. Mason as the “Albert Einstein of neurological understanding” and one of the foremost researchers at his university.

Dr. Mason was also a three-time winner of the FENS award, like the Oscars of Neurology. Dr. Mason was also rumored to be one of the minds behind duloxetine, one of the most prescribed medications for neuropathy.

One day, Dr. Mason approached Harrison with a unique offer: he wanted Harrison to be a test subject for his alternative neuropathy remedy.

Nervovive Targets the Root Cause of Neuropathy

Dr. Mason developed Nervovive to target the root cause of neuropathy.

Dr. Mason claims neuropathy is not caused by damaged nerves, bacterial infections, or other commonly blamed causes.

Instead, neuropathy is a symptom of a “hidden condition.” It has a different root cause than many doctors believe – and it’s not damaged nerves.

Instead, neuropathy is caused by dysfunction within the foramen magnum:

Dr. Mason confirmed Harrison’s research linking the foramen magnum to neuropathy and nerve pain.

Specifically, the thin muscle layer surrounding the foramen magnum is the root cause of neuropathy problems.

Your muscles need sugar to stay healthy. They take sugar from your blood, using it to protect your foramen magnum and perform hundreds of other crucial tasks throughout the body.

If you have type 2 diabetes, then your foramen magnum may struggle to absorb sugar as it normally does.

Instad of absorbing sugar like normal, the dysfunctional foramen magnum causes sugar to collect and crystallize at its base. The “hole” of your foramen magnum becomes covered in sharp, jagged edges. It’s like forcing your nerves to pass through a knife-filled tunnel, causing you to experience nerve pain.

Dr. Mason told Harrison to take a specific blend of ingredients to address the condition. These ingredients can promote foramen magnum function, helping it absorb sugar correctly to protect your nerves instead of damaging them.

Harrison Rapidly Relieved Neuropathy with Nervovive

Harrison Ward was the first person in the world to take an early version of Nervovive – the formula created by award-winning neurology doctor Dr. Mason.

Here’ what happened when Harrison, who had suffered from severe neuropathy for two years, took Nervovive for the first time:

Harrison started taking Nervovive twice per day, every day.

At first, Harrison didn’t experience any effects. His feet were still burning. He was still struggling to sleep at night.

After a few more days, however, Harrison found his feet didn’t hurt as bad. He found he was sleeping better at night.

The more he took Nervovive, the more pain subsided. The burning sensation in his feet turned into a light tingle.

Harrison was able to stop using his cane to get around. He walked down the stairs of his home without his cane, for example, amazing his wife.

After a few more weeks of Nervovive, Harrison “became the man my family knew and loved,” according to the man himself. He claims his numbness and burning were “completely gone” and he felt fully back in control of his body again.

After successfully managing his neuropathy with Nervovive, Harrison teamed up with Dr. Mason to share it with the world.

How to Take Nervovive

Harrison Ward and his team at Nervovive recommend taking two capsules of Nervovive daily with water:

Take 2 capsules of Nervovive per day with 8 to 12oz of water

Because Nervovive is stimulant-free, the formula can be taken any time of day or night.

Nervovive Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

According to the official Nervovive website, more than 47,000+ people have used Nervovive to address their nerve pain – including type 2 diabetics and others with chronic health conditions.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

One customer claims he “started having frozen feet whenever I sat down” four years ago. He went to various specialists to try to determine the caus. He started taking Nervovive six months ago. Today, he claims, “I no longer have frozen feet.”

One older adult had been dealing with type 2 diabetes for decades since being diagnosed with the condition at 35. The disease became so bad, “he could barely walk or stand up,” claiming it felt like “boiling water” being poured over his feet and it “never stopped.” Despite having a nearly debilitating case of chronic neuropathy, the man rapidly relieved his condition using Nervovive. He claims his “pain is now completely gone” thanks to the supplement.

Harrison Ward, who helped create Nervovive, used to walk with a cane before taking the supplement. He had a severe, chronic, debilitating case of neuropathy that was significantly affecting his life – only to rapidly clear the condition using Nervovive.

Overall, the official website has multiple testimonials from customers who appear to have cleared away serious cases of neuropathy soon after taking Nervovive.

Nervovive Pricing

Nervovive typically costs $99 per bottle. However, if you buy It online today through the official website at, you can pay just $49 to $69 per bottle.

Here’s how much you pay when ordering Nervovive online today:

1 Bottle: $69 + Free Shipping

3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonus eBooks

6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonus eBooks

Final Word

Nervovive is a nerve pain relief supplement developed by an award-winning neurology researcher named Dr. Mason. The duo worked with a type 2 diabetic named Harrison Ward and manufactured Nervovive in the United States.

By taking two capsules of Nervovive daily, anyone with neuropathy can purportedly target the root cause of the condition: poor sugar absorption in the foramen magnum, causing you to experience nerve pain.

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