Kentucky waltz pdf
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Kentucky waltz pdf
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Words and music by Bill Monroe. Beneath the beautiful harvest [G7] moon. j œœœ F# m ˙ œ œ Bm œ. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of kentucky waltzBill Monroe for Kentucky Waltz by Bill Monroe arranged by Hugh R Heinsohn for Guitar (Solo) Kentucky Waltz Cx6 %. j œ œ œ D œ œ œ D œ. Title: Kentucky Author: Owner Created Date/21/ PM BPMDownload and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of kentucky waltzBill Monroe for Kentucky Waltz by Bill Monroe arranged by Dick Schmitt for Piano (Solo) Kentucky Waltz Bill MonroeD We were waltz − ’n that night in Ken − tuck − y Be neath the A7 beau − ti − ful har − vest moon and I was the boy that was D luck − y But it all end − ed too soon As I sit here a − lone in the moon − light I see your D7 G D smil − ing face, And I long once more for your em − B7 E7 A7 D Kentucky Waltz (Key G) 3/4 Count 1, 2, 3, ready, play (3 pickup notes) GxDxWe were waltzing that night in Kentucky, Beneath the beautiful harvest moon GxAnd I was the boy that was lucky, But it all ended too soon. Words and music by Bill Monroe. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of kentucky waltzBill Monroe for Kentucky Waltz by Bill Monroe arranged by Dick Schmitt for Piano (Solo) Kentucky Waltz Words and music by Bill Monroe We were waltz ing that night in Ken tuck-y, Neath the beau ti ful har vest-a dk k Gkz k t k k k k k j j k k kz k s k j k Kentucky Waltz (Key G) 3/Count 1, 2, 3, ready, play (3 pickup notes) GxDxWe were waltzing that night in Kentucky, Beneath the beautiful harvest moon GxAnd I Browse ourarrangements of Kentucky Waltz. Sheet music is available for Voice, C Instrument, Ukulele withscorings ingenres. Find your perfect arrangement and KENTUCKY WALTZ. We were waltzing that night in Kentucky G7 Beneath the beautiful harvest moon And I was the boy that was lucky. But Do (DÒo C)/0 ATitle: Kentucky Waltz Tab Created Date/20/PM Kentucky WaltzThe Traditional Tune Archive Created Date: Z Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of kentucky waltzBill Monroe for Kentucky Waltz by Bill Monroe arranged by Hugh R Heinsohn for Guitar (Solo) Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of kentucky waltzBill Monroe for Kentucky Waltz by Bill Monroe arranged by kmkwood for Violin (String Duet) KENTUCKY WALTZ. And I was the Kentucky Waltz Words and music by Bill Monroe We were waltz ing that night in Ken tuck-y, Neath the beau ti ful har vest-a dk k Gkz k t k k k k k j j k k kz k s k j k moon I was the boy who was luck y, But it All a d D7 jz j n k kz ks j k k k j k n k k jz end ed too soon, As I sit here a lone in the moon light,-I a d k k k G jz j k k j œ œ œ œ œ œ D œ. Intro: (D7), (G7), (C)We were [C] waltzing that night in Kentucky.