Iso 527 1 2 pdf
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Iso 527 1 2 pdf
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2 the methods are selectively suitable for use with the following range of materials:. 1part of iso this 527 specifies the general principles for determining the tensile properties of plastics and plastic composites under defined conditions. part 3: test conditions for films and sheets. any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’ s national standards body. iso 527 consists of the following parts, under the general title plastics — determination of tensile properties:. several different types of test specimen are defined to suit different types of material which are detailed in subsequent parts of iso 527. the methods are used to investigate the tensile behaviour of the test specimens and for determining the tensile strength, tensile modulus, poisson' s ratios and other aspects of the tensile stress- strain relationship under the defined conditions. requirements to the equipment. iso 527 is a family of standards covering tensile tests on plastics and composites. part 1: general principles. part 2: test conditions for molding and extrusion plastics. preview this standard in our online browsing platform ( obp) general information. note 1 unidirectional reinforced materials are covered by iso 527- 5. — part 2 : test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics. 1, modified — the terms nominal size and nps have been added, nps. part 5: test conditions for unidirectional fiber- reinforced plastic composites. publication pdf date. — part 3: test conditions for films and sheets. part 1: general principles. the standards isogeneral principles) and isotest conditions for molding and extrusion materials) describe tensile testing on plastics. status : withdrawn. note 1 to entry: the number following dn or nps does not represent a measurable value and is not used for calculation purposes except where specified in a product standard. 1 this document specifies the general principles for determining the tensile properties of plastics and plastic composites under defined conditions. the work of preparing international standards is normally carried out through iso technical committees. iso 527- 1: specifies the general principles for determining the tensile properties of plastics and plastic composites under defined conditions. this second edition cancels and replaces the first edition ( iso 527- 2: 1993), which has been technically revised. iso 527- 1: ( e) foreword. iso 527- 1: ( e) foreword iso ( the iso 527 1 2 pdf international organization for standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies ( iso member bodies). 1 this part of is0 527 specifies the test con- ditions for determining the tensile properties of moulding and extrusion plastics, based upon the gen- eral principles given in is0 527- l. international standard iso 527- 1: ( e) plastics — determination of tensile properties — part 1: general principles 1 scope 1. development of iso 527. 1 this part of iso 527 specifies the test conditions for determining the tensile properties of moulding and extrusion plastics, based upon the general principles given in iso 527- 1. isowas prepared by technical committee iso/ tc 61, plastics, subcommittee sc 2, mechanical properties. this standard has been revised by pdf iso 527- 1:. 2 the methods are used to investigate the. the guiding principle of the iso 527 standard is the high reproducibility of test results across laboratories, companies and national borders. part 4: test conditions for isotropic and orthotropic fiber- reinforced plastic composites. a list of all parts in the iso 527 series can be found on the iso website. iso 527- 2: specifies the test conditions for determining the tensile properties of moulding and extrusion plastics, based upon the general principles given in iso 527‑ 1. each member body interested in a subject iso 527 1 2 pdf for which a technical. iso 527 consists of the following parts, under the general title plastics — determination of tensile properties: — part 1: general principles. plastics — determination of tensile properties — part 5: test conditions for unidirectional fibre- reinforced plastic composites.