Iso 385 pdf
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Iso 385 pdf
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txt) or read online for free. these burettes have been specifically constructed to fulfill international standards and ensure laboratory measurement accuracy. iso 385- 1: 1984 laboratory glassware burettes part 1: general requirements. 206) on or before 5: 00 p. 20 laboratorijska posoda in aparati laboratory ware and related apparatus 17. protests may be considered, but intervention is necessary to become a party to the proceeding. order online or call: americas: | asia pacific: | europe, middle east, africa:. published by cen on febru. any person desiring to intervene, to protest, or to answer a complaint in any of the above proceedings must file in accordance with rules 211, 214, or 206 of the commission' s regulations (. this first edition cancels and replaces iso 385- 1: 1984, iso 385- 2: 1984 and iso 385- 3: 1984, which have been technically revised and combined into one document. the iso 385: standard specifies the metrological and structural specifications for a variety of burettes that can be utilized in a variety of laboratory applications. a description is not available for this item. equivalence: iso 385 superceding: superceded by:. more detailed information relating to filing requirements, interventions, protests, service, and qualifying facilities filings. certain conventions are, however, not identical to iso 385 pdf those used in indian standards. attention is particularly drawn to the following:. efiling is encouraged. standards and conformity assessment system, the american national standards institute ( ansi) empowers its members and constituents to strengthen the u. for piston burettes, see iso 8655- 3. ilnas- en iso 385:. 1st edition, octo. isofree download as pdf file (. laboratorijska steklovina – birete ( iso 385: ) laborgeräte aus glas - büretten ( iso 385: ) verrerie de laboratoire - burettes ( iso 385: ) laboratory glassware - burettes ( iso 385: ) 71. protests may be considered, but intervention is. laboratory glassware burettes. as the voice of the u. iso 385 was prepared by technical committee iso/ tc 48, laboratory glassware and related apparatus, subcommittee sc 6, laboratory and volumetric ware. iso 385: “ laboratory glassware – burettes” 2. scribd is the world' s largest social reading and publishing site. this is a preview of iso 385: . pdf), text file (. iso_ free download as pdf file (. iso 4787: “ laboratory glass and plastic ware - - volumetric instruments - - methods for testing of capacity and for use” 5. this international standard provides metrological and construction requirements for an internationally acceptable series of burettes, suitable for general laboratory iso 385 pdf purposes. in accordance with adobe' s licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. this first edition of iso 835 cancels and replaces iso 835- 1: 1981, iso 835- 2: 1981, iso 835- 3: 1981 and iso 835- 4: 1981, which have been technically revised and combined into one document. marketplace position in the global economy while helping to assure the safety and health of consumers and the protection of the environment. eastern time on the specified comment date. this standard has been revised by iso 385:. this document is referenced by: en isosurface active agents - detergents - determination of cationic- active matter content - part 1: high- molecular- mass cationic- active matter. iso 648: “ laboratory glassware - - single- volume pipettes” 3. isocomplete document ) superseded by: currently viewing. iso 1042: 1998 “ laboratory glassware - - one- mark volumetric flasks” 4. single page processed jp2 zip download. every interested party, which is member of an organization based in luxembourg, can participate for free in the development of luxembourgish ( ilnas), european ( cen, cenelec) and international ( iso, iec) standards: participate in the design of standards foresee future developments participate in technical committee meetings. prices subject to change without notice. iso 385: laboratory glassware - burettes. status : withdrawn. of iso 385 : on dual number basis. iso 835 was prepared by technical committee iso/ tc 48, laboratory equipment, subcommittee sc 6, laboratory and volumetric ware. 060 merjenje prostornine, mase, gostote, viskoznosti. iso 385: - this international standard provides metrological and construction requirements for an internationally acceptable series of burettes, suitable for general laboratory purposes. iso 385- 1: 1984. iso 385: ( e) pdf disclaimer this pdf file may contain embedded typefaces. the details specified are in accordance with the principles of design and construction of volumetric glassware given in iso 384. laboratory glassware — burettes. the text of iso standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an indian standard without deviations.