En 14449 pdf
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En 14449 pdf
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en 14449 testing report - free download as pdf file (. cherheitsglas nach en 12600 mit mindes- tens klasse 3( b) 3 eingestuft werden. performance of fire- resistant glass. geerlings, geschäftsführer scheuten glass holding b. tüv nord nb- nr. the current release of this standard is: bs en 14449: glass in building. englass in building - security glazing - testing and classification of resistance against explosion pressure published by cen on febru this european standard specifies a test method, performance requirements and classification for explosion pressure resistant glazing for use in buildings. verantwortlich pdf für die erstellung dieser leistungserklärung ist der hersteller gemäß nummer 3. the performance of the product corresponds to the performance indicated in the table appended. see details in en 14449: terms and definitions see details in en 14449: requirements product description laminated glass conformity with the definition of laminated glass and laminated safety glass products shall conform to the definition and fulfil the requirements of laminated glass or laminated safety glass as defined in en 14449. safety rated for impact to bs en 14449. this european standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an. this european standard covers the assessment and verification of constancy of performances and the factory production control of laminated glass and laminated safety glass for use in buildings. scribd is the world' s largest social reading and publishing site. 1: code of practice for glazing in buildings - glass selection and glazing - sponsored. en 14449 pdf 5g & digital networking acoustics & audio technology aerospace technology alternative & renewable energy appliance technology automotive technology careers & education chemical manufacturing coatings & surface engineering components for rf & microwave connected electronics construction equipment daily digest data acquisition. signed by the manufacturer and on behalf of the manufacturer, multisafe ®. find the most up- to- date version of bs en 14449 at globalspec. e30) – integrity only glass, the number indicating the period it will provide protection. evaluation of conformity/ product standard show what documents this resource is cited by show what documents this resource cites description this standard covers factory production control as well as the process of evaluation of conformity of laminated glass and. in some cases you can achieve a higher sound reduction rating using a single piece of acoustic glass as opposed to a sealed unit. 1 resistance to fire 1 npd npd npd npd npd npd npd. ) dies beinhaltet in abhängigkeit der vorgesehenen verwen- dung ( system 1 oder 3 nach en 14449,. insulated glass units when specifying double glazed units, it is wrong to assume that using two skins of acoustic glass will dou - ble the acoustic value of the unit. din enwindows and doors - product standard, performance characteristics - part 2: internal pedestrian doorsets; german version en: published by din on janu die vorliegende europäische norm bestimmt werkstoffunabhängige leistungsmerkmale, außer feuerschutz- und rauchschutzeigenschaften, die für innentüren. the fire- resistant glass. die qualität und konformität von vsg muss entsprechend en 14449 nachge- wiesen werden. bs en 14449: glass in building. this european standard covers the evaluation of conformity and the factory production control of - en iso: laminated safety glass; - en iso: laminated glass; inclusive laminated ( safety) glass with fire resistant properties. glass, laminates, safety glass, approval testing, conformity, quality assurance, production planning, glazing, buildings, construction materials, construction systems parts, fire- resistant materials, inspection, type testing, marking < br> includes the evaluation of conformity and the factory production control of laminated glass and laminated safety glass for use in buildings. ei60) – integrity and insulation glass, the number indicting the period it will provide. this european standard covers the evaluation of conformity and the factory production control of laminated glass and laminated safety glass for use in buildings. laminated glass and laminated safety glass en 14449 npd: no performance determined multisafe ® ( translucent white) en 14449: + ac essential characteristics: avcp systems 33. 28 barnes wallis road, fareham, hampshire, po15 5tt tel : fax : orders. the table below lists the products available from stock at n& c glass. die leistungen des produkts entsprechen den in der beigefügten tabelle genannten leistungen. all of kite glass’ glazing solutions demonstrate the quality assurance of bsi certified glass kite marks including bs en 14449:. bs en 14449 is maintained by b/ 520. bs en 14449: is cited by nzs 4223. bs en 14449 glass in building: laminated glass and laminated safety glass evaluation of conformity/ product standard. qxp_ n& c moderna letterheading 15: 41 page 5. pdf) or read online for free. the manufacturer specified under point 4 is responsible for drawing up the declaration of performance. laminated glass and laminated safety glass. data sheets glass updated june. en 14449: ( e) 3 foreword this european en 14449 pdf standard ( en 14449: ) has been prepared by technical committee cen/ tc 129 glass in building, the secretariat of which is held by ibn/ bin. ( im vorliegenden merk- blatt werden nur folien und platten als zwischenlagen betrachtet. prev previous en14179: 1 heat. when tested for fire- resistance, glass will be catagorised for use in the uk as: exx ( e.