Elastolin katalog pdf
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Elastolin katalog pdf
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in the lower part of the title page, the toy houses could have their address entered. hausser started to develop the modern elastolin figure as we know it. the first figures were mainly animal figures of aboutcm in size. daneben existieren auch noch preisblätter und bestelllisten, in. the catalog numbers for the 4- cm figures began with elastolin katalog pdf the preface m so the catalog number for a 4- cm marching heer trommler ( army snare drummer) was m 47/ 1. historische hausser elastolin figuren - sammlerkatalog - 1980. britiains toy catalog 1979; elastolin wehrmacht soldiers pulling a mg- 08 cart; catalog starlux - french plastic soldiers ( 1/ 32) -. auf 80 seiten erwartet sie das vielfältige sammlerfiguren- sortiment. cover page cover page page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page. the elastolin catalogs of the 1930s describe the 7- cm figures as being normal size ( normalgrosse) [ more information to be added]. the first 7 cm figures appear more. es wurden sowohl kataloge für händler ( wiederverkäufer) als auch für die endverbraucher herausgegeben. distribution catalog. elastolin showpieces: publisher figures magazine, 141 pages - top condition. pdf die firma hausser hat bis zu ihrem konkurs 1983 umfangreiche kataloge zu dem von ihr produzierten figuren- und zubehörangebot publiziert. specialist in quality joining. elastolin- katalog zum 110- jährigen jubiläum der marke » elastolin« finden sie das sortiment der tier- und sammlerfiguren im maßstab 1: 25 im neuen elastolin- katalog. elastolin catalogues, customer' s catalogues, dealer' s catalogues, books contact: ; 14 days right of return ; fast delivery ; menu ; search. germany ( 1919 – 1932) personalities. in 1912, otto and max developed this technique. swiss army at ww2; french foreign legion ( cbg mignot) ideal toy company: plastic soldiers catalog ( 60s) german mg- 08 crew and medics; french regiments of zouaves; happy international women' s day! catalogue selection. elastolin catalogue 50th anniversary, 43 pages. elastolin: swiss pioneers and mg figures. the presented figures were produced in the end of 30s for the swiss market. elastolin is a trademark used by the german company o& m hausser ( o& m haußer) for the toy soldiers and other types of figures it manufactured from composite material and later from plastic. our combination figures » adam and eve«, reference nos. the hausser firm was pdf founded in 1904 by christian hausser and his sons otto and max. the toy production was discontinued in 1943 and only resumed in 1946/ 47. 5801, open up many more conversion possibilities and variations ( see page 181). gesamtkatalog pk 28. by using the most modern materials available, their outstanding sculptors and tool makers were able to create the finest impressions and detailing to produce the modern elastolin pdf figure. in the 1950’ s o. isbndeutsch- englische ausgabe. elastolin catalogue / identification book: elastolin plastic figures volume 1. the factory was situated in ludwigsburg near stuttgart. the toy soldier gallery is a platform for collectors of figurines of the companies haußer / elastolin and lineol - especially military and political toys. the elastolin figure is of a type of plastic that is very good for carving and conversion work. gebunden als hardcover. toy soldiers catalogue. in 1969 the production of traditional. this 1939 hausser catalog essentially reproduces the range of military display figures and accessories at that time. maßstäben 1: 22, 5 bis 1: 500. elastolin combat troops included pioniere ( combat engineer and construction troops ) [ series 662/ - ] and mg figures carrying tinplate machine guns ( infanterie ) [ series 600/ - ]. elastolin - 55 mm serie. posted by gp admin at 4: 06 pm. by the end of the 1930s, over 3 million figures were produced annually. the o& m hausser company was started in 1904 by the brothers max and otto a very large collection of figures was made with the brand name ' elastolin'. great hausser catalogue from 1956, 23 pages - no inscriptions. castolin eutectic : development & manufacturing in europe castolin eutectic is the specialist for all wearfacing and joining applications. ask for our list of unpainted elastolin figures for collectors. the elastolin catalogs of the 1930s describe the 7- cm figures as being normal size ( normalgrosse) and the 4- cm figures as miniatur- soldaten. elastolin composition figures were manufatured in 40mm ( also known as 4- cm), 65mm ( 6. bitte wählen sie auf der linken seite die von ihnen gewünschte figurenserie aus. unser gesamtprogramm mit miniaturfiguren, fahrzeugmodellen und zubehör in den. elastolin figure ( 1: 25) catalog from preiser provided by depsite. auf 336 seiten im din a4- format finden sie. download- möglichkeit: wenn sie sich nur für bestimmte teile des. the brand name elastolin used by hausser was soon used colloquially even beyond germany as a generic name for composition figures made by other manufacturers. page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page elastolin katalog pdf 8 page 9 page 10 page 11 page 12 page 13 page 14 page 15 page 16 page 17 page 18 page 19 page 20 page 21 page 22 page 23 page 24 page 25 page 26 page 27 page 28 page 29 page 30 page 31 page 32 page 33 page 34 page 35 page pdf 36 page 37 page 38 page 39 page 40. hausser / elastolin catalog 1939. 5- cm), 70mm ( 7- cm), and 105mm ( 10. elastolin composition figures are made from sawdust, a glue such as casein, and clay ( kaolin) molded on a wire armature and elastolin katalog pdf hand painted at the factory. the reprint is of very high quality and difficult to distinguish from the original. katalog » f« haussers elastolin fabrikate, 1931, o& m hausser, ludwigsburg. markenzeichen hausser elastolin. some collectors use the term elastolin to refer to composite figures made by other companies, such as lineol, as well as those made by hausser. catalog elastolinfull author: michel created date: 5: 05: 28 pm keywords. [ übersicht ] [ über uns ] [ neuigkeiten ] [ katalog ] [ preisliste ] [ kontakt ] [ impressum ] elastolin figuren von barthel- modellbau. since 70- mm is approximately 3- inches, a 70- mm figure is approximately 1/ 24 scale. the website includes a catalog of the known composition figures, background information ( wiki) and also an archive that includes several hundred former manufacturer catalogs.