Ein freund ein guter freund noten pdf

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Ein freund ein guter freund noten pdf

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freund ( and freundin) may refer to either a platonic friend or a romantic partner. ‘ freund’ is a common german noun that you’ ll use to communicate in everyday spoken & written german. a friend is someone who you know well and like, but who is not related to you. when used in the singular with a possessive ( mein freund, ihr freund, etc. guter when used with an indefinite article ( ein freund, eine freundin ), a platonic relationship is assumed. i had a long talk about this with my best friend. the gender of ‘ freund’ in german is masculine: der freund ( the friend). its plural is ‘ die freunde’ pdf ( the friends). ), the word usually noten has a romantic implication, unless the context suggests otherwise. synonyms: companion, pal [ informal], mate [ informal], ein freund ein guter freund noten pdf buddy. but using ‘ freund’ requires understanding the german case system. she never was a close friend of mine.