Duke energy temporary power pole requirements pdf
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Duke energy temporary power pole requirements pdf
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Never cut trees or vegetation near overhead power lines until you have met with a company representative. In this video, we built a power pole from scratch and set it up according to Duke Energy's specifications. It outlines the notification process, requirements for temporary and permanent electric service, customer costs, project design specifications, and metering details. Duke Energy Carolinasor POWERON Electrical power is a must-have for our build. WARNING: Pole or timber structures shall not be attached to trees Here is a standard Temporary Power Pole assembly issued by the utility company that always seems to work if you follow it to the letter. It outlines the notification process, Whether you need temporary service, are planning a subdivision or need electricity for single-family or multifamily housing, we will walk you through the process so that you There's no Temporary power pole requirements section in the NEC. Basically, you build the pole to the utilities specifications, and follow NEC while you do it. Functionality available includes: Submit Service RequestsWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us Duke Energy’s Existing Pole Line Customer’s Temporary Pole Refer to the Customer HeightStructure Table for minimumtimber or pole structures to be constructedwith Southern Pine and treated with a wood preservative’-0”Mi n. top.m. Ou Duke Energy cannot connect any electrical service without the proper permit/inspection. A permit and/or inspection is necessary for connecting a temporary service, a Builders and developers can apply for temporary or permanent electrical service with Duke Energy for single or multi-family residences Download the latest version of the “Service Requirements Manual” from the Duke Energy Progress site or Duke Energy Progress Distribution Construction Standards Reference Guide The Duke Energy Progress (DEP) Distribution Construction Standards are available on the My This document provides guidelines for commercial and industrial customers to obtain electric service from Duke Energy in Indiana. What we can assist with: Whether you need temporary service, are planning a subdivision or need electricity for single-family or Call us. Customers are responsible for notifying Duke Energy of planned construction, providing load data Register or visit the Builder Portal at Contact the Duke Energy Builder Lineor Faxo Hours of operation: Monday through Friday,a.m. A standard temp pole only has twoA V circuits GFCI protected, and one standardA 2P V circuit connected to a suitable receptacle, but non GFCI protected This document provides guidelines for commercial and industrial customers to obtain electric service from Duke Energy in Indiana. If the OSHA requires that you keep yourself and your equipment (other than cranes or derricks used in construction) at leastfeet away from overhead power lines carrying up to Temporary Construction Pole Electric Service Requirements– AMP Capacities, /Volt Single-Phase A. ATTACHMENT: The customer must provide point of Our Builder Portal gives you the tools to help get electric or natural gas services turned on and your projects underway. Never touch a power line with a part of your body, or with any object – and never cross a substation fence.