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Covariant derivative pdf
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Let Covariant derivative of a dual vector eld { Given Eq. (4), we can now compute the covariant derivative of a dual vector eld W. To do so, pick an arbitrary vector eld V, consider the covariant derivative of the scalar function f V W. This is the contraction of the tensor eld T V W. Therefore, we have, on the one hand, r (V W) = r f= @f @x The major and important application of this symbol is to evaluate the covariant derivative: ∇ αT β γ= ∂ αT β γ+ Γ β αµT µ γ−Γ µ αγT β µ. Thus, in a coordinate basis, r (V W) = @ (V W) = (@ V)W + V (@ W); per property (ii) of a covariant Five Properties of the Covariant Derivative As de ned, r VY depends only on V p and Y to rst order along c. Even if a vector field is constant, Ar;q∫The G term accounts for the You see that the connection coe cients \connect the covariant derivative to the partial derivative. rivative is taken. Then first term, and in linewe defined the covariant derivative (sometimes called the absolute gradient): Ñ jA k @Ak @xj +AiGk ij (18) The combination Ñ jAkdxj has only one The covariant derivative is one of the most important tools one uses when studying physics in non-inertial coordinate systems: ∇βV α α = ∂βV + V μΓα βμ. () In (), is called a covariant derivative. dt the covariant derivative. It also satis es the following ve propertiesC1-linearity in the V-slot. Since everything is just proportional to u, we can get rid of it The covariant derivative is a concept more linear than the Lie derivative since for smooth vectors X;Y and function f, ∇fXY = f∇XY, a property fails to hold for the Lie derivative. s at th. Since the derivative of a vector is another vector, and the basis vectors span the space, we can express this derivative as a linear combination of the basis vecto. Suppose that such an operation exists. The corresponding geometric structure is called parallel transport, because it generalizes the at notion of moving a vector’s head in parallel to The covariant derivative is a concept more linear than the Lie derivative since for smooth vectors X;Y and function f, ∇ fX Y = f∇ X Y, a property fails to hold for the Lie derivative Importance of Covariant Derivative Covariant derivative generalizes \ at-space identities For instance, @ j =is not covariant under () Instead of @ j = 0, the correct current The quantity in brackets on the RHS is referred to as the covariant derivative of a vector and can be written a bit more compactly as (F) where the Christoffel symbol can Classically, we define the directional or covariant derivative of a vector field Y in ℜn+1 with respect to a vector x p to be ∇xpY = (Y α) ′(0), where α is any curve in ℜn+1 with The concept of a covariant derivative is a modi cation of the concept of a partial derivative, and it allows writing the equations of motion in classical eld theories (like The covariant derivative of the r component in the q direction is the regular derivative plus another term. r j =() This has important consequences. Consider a dual vector eld W. For any vector eld V, the contraction V W is a scalar eld. All connections will be assumed to be Levi-Civita connections of a given metric. To take the covariant derivative u r v of e.g. a vector, we must simply take the transported value (2), and subtract it from the actual value v + u @ v at the new point: u r v u@ v + u ˆ v ˆ; (8) and similarly for a covector w. We will denote all time derivatives with a dot, df dt = f_. A global ffi connection is the one de ned for all pM satisfying that if X;Y are smooth ∇XY is smooth. For instance, on a curved manifold Covariant derivative generalizes \ at-space identities For instance, @ j =is not covariant under () Instead of @ j = 0, the correct current conservation law is. r V 1+fVY = r V! Y+fr VYwhere f: S!R. This property seems trivial, but something is going on that needs some thought here Covariant derivative and parallel transport In this section all manifolds we consider are without boundary. Covariant derivative of a dual vector eld. Proposition/De nition Let Mbe manifold with a Riemannian metric. It’s a very local derivative. () None of the individual terms on the right-hand side transform between representations as compo-nents of a tensor; but, their sum does, and thus the left-hand side transforms as ate xj with all other coordinates held constant. Proof: Choose a coordinate chart, then we can write c(t) = (c 1(t);;c n(t)) and V(t) = P n i=1 v i(t)@ i. Once M is endowed with a Importance of Covariant Derivative. That is@ei= Gijek k @xj(8)k The quantities Gij are called Christoffel symbols or connection coeffi ˆ to construct the covariant derivative r.